READ THIS STORY OF MINE I was driving through town the other day, - TopicsExpress


READ THIS STORY OF MINE I was driving through town the other day, the traffic was thick, the heat of the day, the loud chatter and clatter that often characterises life at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle, the nuisance of motorcyclists wrongfully weaving through vehicles, and the necessary but sometimes annoying hawking of fake goods by individuals trying to make a living on the busy roads was boring me to hell. The snail pace movement caused my mind to wander but the constant nudging in the side by one fine lady sitting by me when my mind went astray to pay attention to her chatter which frankly I wasnt following kept me focussed. After a near apocalyptic struggle to come out of the teeming population of vehicles, there was a burst of fresh air and a stretch of free road, as you would expect I gave my poor accelerator all the juice its age can manage and was flying to make up for some lost time, then like a typical movie a passenger vehicle which hitherto had been driving on the out road just decided to cross me at the material moment, I sensed it or at least I thought I did, screeched to a near halt, swerved to the shoulder of the road, escaped an orange sellers buttocks and back onto the road all in few seconds. ..the onlookers who shouted in horror when the car crossed me all went like wow!, a young enthusiast shouted massa u be too much, the trotro driver who had stopped was gawking at me with a silly shy long face, my lady who for once had stopped speaking after shouting Jesus was still coming down from the effect of whatever it is that happened, when finally caught her breath she asked me a salad of questions in record time ..James! What was that, what happened, how did u do that, we are safe!...I answered in a rather egotistic manner, smiled cooly and told her my reflexes are very sharp,... at the moment I meant it, cos I had experienced similar situations before. I had long gotten over the incidence and life was back to normal, I thought my mighty reflexes had come to the rescue, how wrong I was. I had closed from the night shift that morning, tired and sleepy as an ordinary man should be, bade my patients goodbye and drove off. Just when I was about to take a turn towards the house, I poked my bushy face out the window and watched the opposite road, I saw no vehicle close enough, or so I thought, I advanced into road when from nowhere this big SUV came at top speed just across my car, I had no idea where it came from, I felt the vibration, his car was mere inches from mine, he would have smashed right into me...he finally halted when one of his tires entered a gutter nearby..apparently it was a teen trying out his dads car,....I was shaken, I reached towards my dashboard picked up my Rosary and said Thank you God, the boy was shivering and begging, I calmed him down and helped push his car outta the gutter, I know he is going to have a tough time with his dad though....but away from the boy, tears welled in my eyes, I knew it was a lesson from above, this and for that matter my safety on the road was not due to my superior reflexes but by the Grace of God...I would have been obituary by now and am glad I learnt the lesson on the second occasion. ..cos I knew not where the car came from, I had no idea how or what made me apply my brakes after I had decided to enter the road.. My dear reader, I had another chance to learn that my successes, my livelihood, my safety are not up to me but to God, we may be Christians alright, but its essential we dont only realize this but to change our vocabulary as well..I changed my vocabulary from my reflexes are very sharp to Thank you God, maybe its time for you to also consider changing yours too, you may not be as lucky as I was to have another opportunity to learn...thanks.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:12:30 +0000

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