REBUILDING THE WALL!....Part 5 I was cupbearer to the king.-( - TopicsExpress


REBUILDING THE WALL!....Part 5 I was cupbearer to the king.-( Nehemiah 1: 11) What a way of closing the chapter! We have seen that chapter 1 of Nehemiah is made up of his (Nehemiah) exact words as shown in the first verse of this chapter. Then he closes this chapter by stating his occupation. Lets see what is the importance of us knowing about Nehemiahs employment! We are made to understand that Nehemiah was in a unique position to speak to the king.Nehemiah was the trusted cupbearer who ensued the safety and quality of the Kings food and drink.Usually a foreigner was trained as a cupbearer,because rulers didnt trust someone from their own clan.Many kings were assassinated by food poisoning. So it was common to identify a trustworthy person who not only would taste the kings food but become a member of the royal board.Cupbearers were often a kings closest confidants. Nehemiah wore the best clothes,rode on the best chariot,and enjoyed a life of comfort.Nehemiah must have been tempted at times to forget his roots and adopt the Persian lifestyle. Yet hundred of miles away,events were unfolding that would complicate Nehemiahs heart and DISLOCATE his heart.His Jewish brothers in Jerusalem were discouraged and disgraced.The walls of the city were still in ruins. Although God had promised that He would rebuild Jerusalem and regather His people,almost a hundred and fifty years had passed since the Babylonians had sacked Jerusalem.God had said He would do a great thing throughout Israel,but so little remained. When Nehemiah heard all this,he knew that things were not going the right way.The news broke his heart. From these glimpses of Nehemiahs life we get the first prerequisite for being the kind of a person God is going to use- a DISLOCATED HEART. Nehemiahs condition,of a DISLOCATED HEART was a rare and wonderful part of Gods plan.His work and his body were in Persia,but his heart was in Jerusalem.His heart was with Gods agenda.His heart was with his people,who were hurting and needy. Do you realize how rare that is? Have you noticed how deeply rooted we become in a safe set of expectation? How dependent our hearts are on our way of life? When things are going well for us-we can pay our bills,we have cars that run,we live in a safe neighborhood,we have steady jobs,our families are preety much intact,and no one has a life-threatening disease-life is good. Of course,we will have some hardships and struggles and emotional ups and downs.but for most of us,when things are going well,we gradually become desensitized to the needs and sufferings around us.How many times have you walked past a beggar in town and looked the other way and just pass without feeling any pity.How many times have we driven past a squater camp,saw those shelters that other people call holmes,where you can see people sleeping whilst you walking past,but feel nothing,no pity at all.Just because you sleep in a cossy 6 or 4 roomed house?How many of us know the top three needs that are affecting the neighborhood in which we live? Like Nehemiah,the kings cupbearer,lets pray for DISLOCATED Hearts! Shalom!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:43:03 +0000

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