RELIANCE ON DIVINE INTERVENTION: AN EXCUSE FOR LAZINES. There are a lot of excuses that we use to justify not working as hard as we should. One of the most deceptive excuses is religion. Instead of doing what we ought to do or getting back up after a failure or trying a little bit harder along the way, we use the excuse that “if it was supposed to happen it would have happened” or we need a divine intervention. This is just self-limiting. I write this at the risk of been called an atheist by those who are too obsessed with religion to give a thought to sound reasoning, but truth must be said. All too often, Christians (and Muslims) hide inactivity behind prayer, hoping things would get better without taking any action themselves. Though Christians and Muslims are willing to pray about things, they would end it there, thinking they have done their part. Erik Thoennes, a professor of biblical and theological studies at Biola University says It is a great misunderstanding of the Christian faith to think prayer leads to fatalism or passivity. A properly understood biblical understanding of faith in a sovereign God never leads to passivity but active engagement with our world. Gods plan is worked out in and through real life and our actions.” Look at the Nigerian situation. So many things are not working well and we have the ability to set most of these things right. But what do we do? We only pray for divine intervention in the comfort of our bedrooms waiting for God to send someone to set things right. Our leadership is nothing to be proud of but all we do is pray for divine intervention instead of getting up as a people to elect good persons who can do the job rightly and take necessary actions against those who abuse their mandate. A robbery is going on, you call the police, and what do they tell you? Pray for God to make the thieves leave before we get there because we dont have what it takes to fight them. Our educational system is going bad(if it isnt already) and what do we do? We go to church/mosque and pray for God to set things right instead of using our heads to seek ways/ideas to salvage the situation. All these are just excuses so that we can say weve committed it into the hands of the Almighty so let him do all the work . I believe in the power of the Almighty but always resorting to divine intervention even in things we can use our God-given intelligence to do, is nothing but a cheap excuse for laziness.We pray to God in crisis and stay in stagnant mode. Throughout the history of the church, Christians had often been major contributors and leaders of great movements, for instance, William Wilberforce with the abolition of slavery, Dietrich Bonhoffer opposing Nazism, and Martin Luther King with the Civil Rights Movement. Though they ultimately rested in God’s sovereign power and wisdom, they moved and acted for good. Now imagine if these people only prayed for divine intervention without any action on their part. None of the things they achieved would have ever come to pass. The bane of Nigeria/Africas progress is our excessive romance with laziness fueled by too much religion. Let me state this fact- The almighty has left a part of himself within us and that means that we too can find solutions to our problems!If the almighty did not want us to use our heads then he would have created us without brains.God is not going to come down to do things for us. Even the Almighty will not contravene his own laws. Hes a spirit and he will not work on earth unless through men.But when men only know how to pray and are not ready for action, what will get done?The answer is a no-brainer. The earlier we understand this, the better for us as people/nation.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:58:39 +0000

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