RELIGION AT ITS BEST is about advocating compassion for everyone - TopicsExpress


RELIGION AT ITS BEST is about advocating compassion for everyone and spiritual love for our Creator of all things and all life. My karma-phala (actions-consequences) and life-mission or spiritual-mission causes me to not study and read too much unless from a source that is a rare jewel among common rocks. This allows for more-independent insight or discovery of truth without too much interference from accumulated knowledge, gossip, social influence or persuasion. Of course, true discovery is always independent and innocently approached. A great discovery is that emotional-attachment or desire-attachment to ones own individual and group history has for so long been the bane of selflessness and forgiveness by interfering with sensitivity in the moment of now. The now is not integrated or woven with time. Time is the illusion or concept of past and future. The illusion is the attachment of desire. Without attachment, that is desire to re-experience pleasure, there is no illusion of reality. Desire or attachment is the barrier or gap separating perception from direct connection with reality and the truth of whom we are. Reality of daily life, our relations with each other and money and things and nature would just be reality experienced in the present, the now, without being distracted by too much desire, frustration, competition and conflict. We would interact with people directly instead of reacting to that which is in the gap or the barrier that is the biased idea of people, the label. Bias is the past interfering with the present or the now. Bias, as the past, thus interferes with our interacting with others directly resulting in reactions of selfishness or egoism and an us-and-them attitude followed by competition that evolves into conflict, frustration, anger, arguments, warnings and threats, fear, hatred, and eventually violence and war when carried to its ultimate level as the process of the illusion of time, past and future. The recalling from memory is the process of the conceptualizing of idea of the mind that thinks which is it;s nature, its purpose in order to live as an organism. This mental process is necessary to function in life among people and things. Once the recalling is done, then a necessary function is done. However, desire in reaction to a recollection ... not the recalling process, but the recollection that has become static due to desires attachment to it, starts a whole other process of time, past and future, as illusion. Desire does not make the illusion. Desire is the illusion, the attachment. And desire as the illusion of identity is the notion or idea or conceptualization of the expectation of pleasure or gratification physically or socially or as self-elevation above others. The reaction of desire is the attachment to the static notion or idea of the memory of pleasure and frustration in getting pleasure ... frustration of desire that is the reaction to memory in order to re-experience pleasure that has become conceptualized into idea. Desire is the reaction to the static memory of pleasure as a flame is the reaction to the match stick. This desire, sustaining the idea of a personal identity or self, is the flame of selfishness fueled by the idea or static memory of pleasure. So, the ego or self or personal identity is that attachment, that desire ... not the remembering itself but the reaction to the memory. The self as identity is the burning urge to get more remembered pleasure, that is a static idea, just as the flame is sustained by the fuel of the match stick. Memory fuels the desire that is attached to it, as the match stick fuel the flame attached to it. So ... the process of remembering does not fuel anything, and is necessary to function in life, to know where you live, where to go to keep an appointment, and what to do etc. But once the process of remembering or recalling is done, it is desire that has crystallized the notion of identity or ego or self. Im having a difficult time expressing what I perceive here (smile), because I think many readers will misunderstand, misinterpret, or else misunderstand the importance of see the source of identity, the source of selfishness. Time is distraction by the idea of life, it pleasure and suffering, instead of the direct experiencing of life that is relationship or interaction with people, ideas, and nature. And I see that the inner and outer, that is others etc, is dynamic unity such that everything is one. But there is the illusion of separation distracting from the reality of the unity of everybody and everything. Time is distraction by idea and desire. And the now is the direct meeting with the reality and truth of life or relationship with people, ideas, and nature. The now is direct contact without the intermediary of idea, thought, and desire that are distractions as bias and selfishness that is desire or pursuit (desire is pursuit) of pleasure or rather the expectation or anticipation of pleasure in some form or circumstance. To be or to live in the now means not being distracted by the illusion of time, time being a process of desire in reaction to experience or the past ... past as concept or idea. Therefore, past is not real but just a representation or shadow of reality. The future is not real but just a projected mental representation as idea or notion of anticipated benefit and pleasure. If you see or perceive this truth or distraction by time and the calamity of it all, then something happens creatively meaning independently of time, the process of time. There is then the possibility of spontaneous detachment and then, outside of time and calamity, there is creatively (meaning outside of any process of memory and the reaction of desire and frustration as suffering) the possibility of absolute forgiveness and mercy. Such forgiveness and/or mercy is action (not the reaction to desire or fear) that is creative and therefore not distracted by idea or prejudice and biased leanings such as preferring to help the person of affection instead of the stranger or the enemy. There is creative fairness in helping or serving any without conditions of similarities in appearance or religious belief etc. Creative is action of the void that is empty of distraction or empty of attachment or empty of self ... all words of which I use to express the same thing. But the thing, the words are not the truth itself and cannot convey the truth. Only you, the individual, can see or perceive the truth when not too distracted. --George Kennard (from the first part of the beginning of my FB Details About You under About section)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 00:37:36 +0000

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