RKDHAUGODA’S DIALECTICAL MODEL OF THERY OF EVERY THING “Background of theory of every thing” The concept of fundamental physical law that applied to everything and every process of universe and its contents are existed as basic philosophical thought since ancient society to modern advance scientific society ,like from idealism as god made all rule for everything as readymade till date it is existed in various idealistic and metaphysical philosophical form( like the god particle- higgs boson of standard model) , and another relative advanced branch is scientific dialectical materialism as things itself governed by natural fundamental physical law as Rkdhaugoda’s key law of dialectics “relative association of opposite phenomena within opposite phenomena”. A theory of everything (TOE) is a assumed theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena of microcosom and macrocosom; and predicts the outcome of any experiment that could be carried out in principle.The theory of everything is also called the final theory. Many candidate theories of everything have been proposed by theoretical physicists during the twentieth century, but none have been confirmed experimentally. The primary problem in producing a TOE is that general relativity and quantum mechanics are hard to unify. This is one of the unsolved problems in physics. Current candidates for a theory of everything include string theory, M theory, and loop quantum gravity etc. When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one-sentence: Time and space (spacetime) and gravitation have no separate existence from matter - (Albert Einstein) .It directly or indirectly tells us that the starting assumption that the universe is only spacetime requires. The standard physical interpretation of general relativity is that matter causes curved spacetime. Then we can assume the reverse perspective would be that a special type of curved spacetime (dynamic spacetime) causes matter. The static curved spacetime, normally assumed to be caused by matter, this curved spacetime caused by matter is caused simultaneously the gravity. And collectively we have to think here the basic composition of matter, spacetime,gravity and any form of energy like electromagnetic wave would be the same but may varies in their concertration,temperature,velocity and spin. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” – Einstein Einstein believed that deep truths about the workings of the universe would always be as simple as possible” Inconsistency of string theory - In the 1970s, physicist Michio Kaku postulated string theory. This theory of everything predicts that small, vibrating strings serve as the building blocks of all matter, and that their vibrations create all four of the fundamental forces like gravity, electromagnetism, electroweak and strong nuclear force in our universe. But Kakus theory requires the existence of 11 dimensions to work and, so far, we only know of four dimensions. • Theory of Everything must unify the quantum mechanics and general relativity.This is the one of the fundamental problem of quantum physics. None of the existing various proposed theories have failed to unify the quantum mechanics and general relativity yet. • Theory of Everything must solve the problem on understanding of mass and gravity .or one should able to answer of this question What are mass and gravitation?..None of the existing various proposed theories have failed to give the satisfactory answer of this question yet. • Theory 0f evry thing and any newer particle physics theory should connect with gravity.so we should follow the last word of Budhha “doubt every thing, find your own light”. There is still question on higgs theory? The mass of the Higgs particle does not entirely come from the Higgs field! Where does its mass come from? The mass of the Higgs particle does not have a single, simple, understood source, and the curious feature is that its mass is so small ( THAN THAT OF PLANK MASS ) — this is one aspect of the enormous puzzle called the hierarchy problem. The Higgs field is not the universal giver of mass to things in the universe: not to ordinary atomic matter, not to dark matter, not to black holes.There is not seen in the equations that physicists study, there is any mathematical connection between gravity and the Higgs field. Gravitational fields have spin 2 and are described as part of space and time; they interact with all particles and fields in nature. The Higgs field, which has spin 0, only interacts directly with elementary particles and fields that also participate in the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces. 1. the Higgs field, which is not universal: it gives masses to most of the known elementary particles but not to the Higgs particle itself, and not to protons and neutrons, dark matter (most likely), or black holes, 2. and Einstein’s gravity, which is universal and has to do with energy and momentum but not mass directly, and most certainly does pull on protons and neutrons, dark matter and black holes even though their masses don’t come entirely from the Higgs field. • Impotance or application of quantum physics/ mechanics:- the quantum mechanics would make possible transistors and microchips, mobile phones and computers, lasers ,Quantum Medicine and M.R.I. / PET scanners. Radio waves were described by their co-discoverer in 1888 as an interesting laboratory experiment with no useful purpose whatsoever, and are now used in innumerable ways (radar, weather prediction, medicine, television, wireless computing and emergency response), positrons are used in hospital tomography scans, and special and general relativity which explainblack holes also enable satellite-based GPS and satellite navigation (satnav). Electric power generation and transmission, motors, and lighting, all stemmed from previous theoretical work on electricity and magnetism; air conditioning and refrigeration resulted from thermodynamics. It is impossible to predict how seemingly esoteric knowledge may affect society in the future.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 12:40:25 +0000

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