RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE: Seriously I have never had a reason to - TopicsExpress


RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE: Seriously I have never had a reason to compare two evils but this day I had to sit and talk about IBB and OBJ with two friends. They said they are two evil men. I was not living in Nigeria when both ruled the nation but OBJ I met in person in England I can’t remember I believe it was 2005 when he came and urged Nigerians to come home that Nigeria was good to go. One of the organizers of the interactive sessions arranged for some of us to meet him in person at the banquet hall of the Dorchester hotel I was surprised to see the man was just a bit I mean as in a diminutive man. You know when you have this mental picture of a man that exudes and wheels so much power and influence you naturally believe that the man would reflect that on the size of the body. I was in awe of him and actually shaking hands with him was like wow! When have I ever shook hands with the president of any nation? It was electrifying to put it quite mildly. But all that admiration, adoration became like a nightmare and evaporated in a blip when one of the journalists asked him ……..Sir you are asking us to come home have you fixed the light situation in Nigeria? The man instead of answering the question launched into this frenzy vituperation like a bonfire. Hear him stupid boy did your father create the light situation in Nigeria? Are you living in paradise here? Are you not cleaning the streets for the queen of England here? Come home my friend and help rebuild your nation don’t waste all your time here with all these little comforts he added. Little comfort I thought for what we take out there as basic amenity. Wow! Such ill-temper, display of ignorance and bullying ways for a simple question that called for rather a simple answer? Being one with no stomach for nonsense I just got up and left so so disappointed, that automatically ticked the wrong box in my score card for him…….I could not believe that the man I was in awe of a couple of minutes prior could display such ignorance in no time with no poise nor finesse with no compunction at that. Now after reading IBB’s interview today in Vanguard though I have never met him I just could not help but admire the man’s none-partisan stand, garnished with a nova-star quality and sheer generic wisdom in answering all the questions with such poise, kind of optimistic, very erudite with great belief in project Nigeria as a whole but not in parts. Dream maybe but still his dream and I respect that. I had to compare all that with OBJ’s interview that i read in the same paper on his birthday some months ago my conclusion is that wisdom comes from within and cannot be bought, put on or coerced. IBB makes sense die, very perspicacious and mild as compared to OBJ that can be too boorish, churlish and petulant. In wisdom and finesse IBB does it for me. DELTA STATE AFTER ODUAGHAN: It is really rumbling in the jungle here…..Everyone that is anyone wants to succeed Uduaghan. It looks like the drama has just started in earnest and since it is the voters market right now my folks are enjoying it big time and going to the market with their eyes wide open, no dulling at all.. Twenty eight contestants and the highest bidder do not carry the day anymore. Chei! Who knew it would come to this that stomach infrastructure would be the theme of campaigns rather than actual infrastructure. Hmmmm! True an hungry man does not have time to listen to the word of God, feed him first then tell him about the wonders of the kingdom. It makes sense. Lol! The electorates are finally the winners collecting all they can and voting who they desire. Chai! Life is good, the future is bright and the future is orange. Imagine collecting all the gifts from all the twenty eight candidates and then voting one of them, how articulate can any smart voter be? Nice! They can’t come better than these new Nigerian crops of electorates. Elder Orubebe the former NDDC chairman or whatever he was has started his campaign early enough. Hear him God has been talking to him, I don’t understand how this God talks to people is it like you hearing voices like Moses did n the burning bush? That to me is schizophrenia and I believe Moses had issues the man went through too much and hence it manifested in so many ill-mannered ways. Like when he committed murder and hid the victim’s body to escape justice. Lol! Since we have mobile phones these days does God actually phone people to do things? I swear I am completely abysmal I do not know hence why I am asking. Orubebe said God’s word has been done that God instructed him to look after widows but what about the widowers who looks after them? There are quite a few of them abound o! Anyway Elder Orubebe gave out Bibles, bags of rice, wrappers, salt, tins of groundnut oil, I can’t remember if he added knorr magi for good measure and envelopes with undisclosed amount for transport to the widows. So after the election then what? To me this money these folks are spending is our money and I can’t go awwww! They have done well o! Anyway Nigerians don shine their eyes well, well it is not a walk in the park anymore for them, business can never be go on as usual anymore. Payback time indeed. There is another one called Omo-Agege rumbling seriously with very rumbustious noise but I have not seen him flexing as yet o! as in his brand of gifts. I wish the electorates can move a step further and up their ante and demand for what they actually need, it’s their call na! It’s not like they are beggars but the beggars are the ones giving the gifts so they the electorates have a choice to say what they want. RIVERS STATE: Can someone please call Wike to order he is beginning to sound like Amaechi. Someone please tell him that there is a world of difference between being confident and being arrogant. He should stop that his boastful ways simply because he has the first lady watching his back. Hear the man he is the most qualified person in PDP says who? I have my two candidates’ o! I mean people I know one on one okay Chief Dumo Lulu-Briggs and the other one I would rather withhold his name for now until another post. Nothing puts me off as someone being too arrogant and Wike is towing that line. We are watching. NASARAWA STATE” Please these law makers should stop this malarial effect nonsense abi is it Ebola. It’s only some form of viral sickness that would make a bunch of people that have decided on something come back suddenly to change their minds as if checking if the virus has been completely annihilated. Malarial virus just like Ebola could still hide in the blood system after supposedly being cured it is a fact. How can these people tell Al-Makura to go home and sleep with his two eyes closed that he has been cleared of all his impeachment allegations and charges then suddenly just when the man is dosing off they resurrect the allegations. This sort of behavior can affect an elderly person’s high pressure please they should stop now, you don’t play Russian roulette with humans it is wrong. They should allow him if he has been cleared by the panel then that should be it. Whatever it is they did not find before and during the panel sitting should now be buried. This is beginning to look like some witch-hunting campaign against the man. Hmmm! So that other one that wanted to sink PDP I mean oga Nyako was assisted to run out of Nigeria? These people that talk and carry on like it all begins and ends with them I dey laugh. The erstwhile big man of Adamawa state running out of the country like a thief in the night, like a small criminal out of the country to go find succor in a White man’s land? Don’t forget sir a gold fish has no hiding place, it is bright it would be spotted in the fish bowl. Well in London it is a leveler I know, it may not be an equalizer though……..but no body guards and blazing sirens for you o! No pomp and pageantry, you are just like anyone else. Life indeed does come around. Meanwhile in my side APC is scheming small, small underground in Lagos already I nor send o! I know Lagos is for my party and my man. You can guess who my man is, you may be wrong but watch this space. We dey come! Exciting times ahead.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:09:57 +0000

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