Racism is a product for the Democrats and liberals alike. It is - TopicsExpress


Racism is a product for the Democrats and liberals alike. It is sold like other products and with similar rewards. Big dollars and votes are the rewards. The beneficiaries of these rewards are the race hustlers and the politicians. Since the rise of identity politics and anti-poverty programs in the 60s, the plight of the black underclass has worsened, even as the self-selected race tribunes––professors, “activists,” lobbyists, government employees, celebrities, politicians––have flourished. Given that the moral capital financing the race industry comes from the misery and suffering of underclass blacks, race-grievance entrepreneurs must ward off solutions to those problems that challenge the narrative justifying their own power. Some race hustlers have dedicated their entire lives to the promotion of racism. People like Rev Al Sharpton, Rev Jessie Jackson , Oprah and the KING OF RACIST Barack Husain Obama. For them, it is an occupation not unlike ambulance chasing. Keeping racism alive keeps them in the spotlight. It provides fame and fortune for these pimps that exceeds what they could obtain pimping street wares. The Democrat Party sells racism as a product. This Party has no discernible governing strategy. It only has an election strategy and that is based on the notion of oppression. They identify and classify voters by group and then claim specific oppression of one sort or the other. Other than government workers, every Democrat constituency is told they are oppressed. Blacks, for whatever reasons, have fallen for the fake compassion more than any other group based on the 95% or so who vote Democrat. The pretense of racism is necessary in order to keep blacks on the Democrat Plantation. If the Democrats lost even a small share of this vote, their viability as a meaningful national party would be threatened. Democrats are now targeting Hispanics as the next oppressed group. Democrats pretend to be for amnesty regardless of the law in order to create and mine this new potential voting constituency. Republicans are painted as hating Hispanics just like they are supposed to hate blacks, women, welfare recipients, LGBTs, etc. etc. Any constituent of the Democrat Party is claimed to be a hate target of the Republican Party. False claims of racism are tragic. They make minorities believe that their fate in life has been pre-determined. Racism means they have no control over their future. If success is based on color or some other attribute, study and work to achieve success becomes meaningless. Because your ability doesn’t count, why bother to try? How many young people have been brainwashed into believing this nonsense? How many valuable lives were not fulfilled as a result? Conveying this poison is equivalent to a form of child molestation! Continuing to perpetuate the myths of racism is dangerous to society. Pitting groups against each other substitutes anger and force for voluntary interactions and transactions. Social friction helps no one. When people see themselves as anything but Americans, society becomes coarser and less safe. Encouraging or condoning riots in places like Ferguson sets the stage for something much bigger. If society unravels, the minorities will come out on the short end. That has been the history of minority-majority conflicts throughout history. Don’t pick a fight where you are obviously outnumbered. Don’t pick a fight or be drawn into one that you cannot possibly win. Unfortunately the race pimps and politicians who benefit from racial strife are not going to quit so long as they personally benefit. Nor do these low-life leeches care about the costs to the country. Their personal advantage is all that matters. If other Americans have to be sacrificed to advance their pursuits, so be it. Eggs need to be broken in order to make an omelet.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 19:40:30 +0000

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