Rahway Remembers By Al Shipley He Lit the Streets of - TopicsExpress


Rahway Remembers By Al Shipley He Lit the Streets of Rahway Nicola Tesla is widely regarded as America’s greatest electrical engineer. In a career that spanned almost seventy years (1875–1943), Tesla became a world renowned inventor, physicist, mechanical engineer, and electrical engineer, whose patents and theoretical work form the basis of modern alternating current (AC) electric power systems. He also made contributions in the fields of robotics, ballistics, computer science, nuclear physics, and theoretical physics. His admirers often refer to him as “The man who invented the 20th Century.” Citizens of Rahway can be proud that this important genius has a connection to our city. Tesla came to the United States in 1884 with a letter of introduction addressed to Thomas Edison from the English inventor, Charles Batchelor. In part, the letter said, “I know two great men and you are one of them; the other is this young man.” Edison hired the twenty–eight year old scientist, but their union was confrontational from the start and lasted less than a year. Tesla’s insistence on the potential of alternating current and the need for more strenuous research with AC was dismissed by Edison. Their disagreements caused continual tension and after a misunderstanding over a $50,000 bet, Tesla left Edison’s employ and formed a company under his own name. The headquarters of the newly formed Tesla Electric Light Company was Rahway, New Jersey. The year was 1885 when Tesla set up his laboratory in the Randolph Ross Building which was located on Irving Street between Coach Street and Elizabeth Avenue. Within a year, he had perfected his electric arc lamp and approached the Common Council with a proposal to light the city streets with electric lamps. Edison had lighted a few Roselle streets in January, 1883, and Tesla was anxious to better his rival by demonstrating the superior quality of alternating current. The Common Council voted to grant Tesla a contract in June, 1886, making Rahway one of the first cities in the world to have street lighting powered by AC. The two–year contract called for the number of lights not to exceed thirty–five, spaced a quarter mile apart. Cost of each light would be fixed at $75.00/lamp/year, which was less than the cost for lighting by DC. The lamps would burn from dusk to 1:00 A.M., eighteen nights per month. (They were to be lit on moonless nights only. A member of Council was assigned to instruct the company to light the lamps on evenings when the moon was obscured by clouds). The system ran well, but the contract was voided before the two years were up. The Rahway Gas Company, a powerful lobby in town and suppliers of gas for street lamps since the 1840’s, was incensed when Council opted for the new power source. Gas Company representatives attended Council meetings and lodged complaints about everything from pole placement, to destruction of curbing, to poor service, to exorbitant costs. (The Gas Company’s cost for lighting the streets was $17.50/lamp/year). Council members ultimately acquiesced to the pressure and voted to cancel the contract with Tesla. Tesla left Rahway and went to New York City where he continued to build on what would become and incredible legacy of achievements. Rahway can boast that it is part of that legacy.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 20:20:32 +0000

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