Ramsey is Better Than Fellaini written and organised by philip - TopicsExpress


Ramsey is Better Than Fellaini written and organised by philip smitho.... It is probably wrong to give much (or any) credence to stories that emerge during this febrile period in the footballing year. For example, the Higuain story has given birth to thousands of articles, comments, tweets and whatnot but – unless I have missed it – not a single word about the player had come from any official Arsenal source until Arsene Wenger responded to a journalist’s question during our Indonesia tour by accepting that the Argentine was the level of player for whom we could now realistically bid. Not that we were bidding for him, or even interested in him. Just that he was the kind of player we might be looking at. One or two Arsenal players had earlier talked of “welcoming” the idea of Higuain joining us – but what else are they supposed to say when asked by journalists about any world class player? “Sorry mate – not for me. He’s pants.”? Same applies to the Rooney and Suarez stories. But, having said that, one piece I read recently did manage to particularly tickle my “irkometer” – it was the one that suggested we were preparing to offer cash plus Aaron Ramsey to get Everton to part with the human microphone, Marouane Fellaini. I sincerely hope this notion is as false as thevast majority of the other cobblers that has been reported so far this summer. Or, to be more precise, I am perfectly happy with the notion of us signing Fellaini – just not at the expense of losing Ramsey. Fellaini is clearly an effective player who would enhance our squad – not least with his height, physical presence and combativenature. But Ramsey is a better technical player and will, I believe, emerge as one of the finest midfielders in the country over the next fewyears. We all know his Arsenal history: snatched from under the bulbous red nose of a frothing Ferguson; an immensely promisingstart at The Home of Football; a horrendous injury inflicted by a moronic Stoke City Orc; a difficult period or readjusting to first team football; abuse from some Arsenal so-called fans who should have known better; the beginnings of redemption during our run-in to the season just finished, when Aaron’s commitment, skill and work rate were instrumental in helping us clinch fourth place ahead of the Forces of Spudness. In the last 10 or so games of last season he started to show what he can offer to this Arsenal team and I am convinced he will getbetter and better. Eventually I see him as having something of the likes of Steven Gerrard, Bryan Robson, Ray Parlour and Brian Talbot about his game. He may not catch the eye like a Brady or Fabregas, but his contribution will allow others to do just that. He is also part of a strong core of young British players that will be at the heart of our next title-winning team, alongside the likes of Wilshere, Gibbs and Walcott. So – gods of the Summer Silly Season – please let this particular rumour turn out to be the nonsense that it deserves to be.//smitho//
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:48:12 +0000

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