Read & Share..... BUILD THE WALL..... A perfectly legal and - TopicsExpress


Read & Share..... BUILD THE WALL..... A perfectly legal and logical solution to illegal ‘immigration.’ First, 11 to 30 million is not immigration, it is an invasion. To resolve the problems of the illegal invasion of America (the United States and any territory thereof) by foreign elements, and to take actions against those who would appease those elements by ceding political power and citizenship to them. Take these steps: * Build the wall. Those found crossing it illegally are to be considered armed and dangerous, in a combat zone, and shot if caught in the act. Consistent with the law of armed conflict, if they surrender immediately they will be taken as prisoners of war, and may be processed for parole and appropriate repatriation or incarceration. * Crack down on illegals. First offense may be repatriation, provided they sign appropriate parole documentation and have not violated previous parole or committed any criminal offense within the United States. They are first required to sign a parole, with adequate steps being taken to identify them if they return (photos, fingerprints, DNA swab.) They are by definition prisoners of war or spies, treat them as such. If they return, violation of that parole at minimum reduces their rights and privileges as POWs. Then, depending on what they do when they return, incarcerate as POWs, try and imprison for criminal offenses as appropriate, or execute as spies [hostiles in civilian attire infiltrating behind our lines (borders).] They may not take any assets obtained within the United States upon repatriation. In all other cases the penalty is long-term interment (as long as we please) in concentration facilities, seizure of assets. They are invaders, POWs. Dependent children will be deported, except anchor babies. * No citizenship, for ANY baby born on US soil to parents illegally in this country. Change the law…no more ‘anchor babies. With the understanding that this is the goal, it is subject to a limitation. Children currently born to illegals within the United States are citizens at birth pursuant to the 14th Amendment, and that cannot and should not be changed retroactively. Ex post facto laws are anathema to Americans. Therefor, there will be a transitional period. During the transitional period, such children should be placed into shelter care, their parents parental rights terminated, and the children should be placed for adoption. Note that most states currently have laws providing that parental rights should be terminated when the parents will be incarcerated or otherwise unable to provide or care for the children for extended periods of time. Exercise of this provision should be mandatory and automatic for anchor babies. After an appropriate constitutional amendment, such children may be processed for parole and returned to their native country. * The argument that children should not suffer for the crimes of their parents is absurd. Children always suffer for the crimes of their parents. Otherwise, it should be necessary to release every American parent currently incarcerated for any crime - children suffer when their parents are incarcerated. That would require releasing every parent in an American jail charged with murder, rape, or any other crime. Current law (in terms of regulations, guidance and court decisions) actually tells prosecutors that sentences for illegals should often be less than for citizens charged with the same crime. Current law regarding preferential treatment of illegal aliens is an abomination and must be discarded entirely. It is also unconstitutional and is therefor void. * Treat an illegal taking part in our elections as an agent of espionage. * Illegals taking part in additional criminal activities (any crime other than unlawful presence in the United States) will be punished as provided for those crimes, save that there will be no possibility of probation and incarceration will be in military-operated punitive camps rather than POW camps or civilian prisons. Upon completion of sentence the prisoners will be returned to incarceration as a POW. * Any trial of illegals will be by military tribunal, in accordance with the law of armed conflict: They are spies or invaders, not citizens, and they have no right to our civilian judicial process. Upon conviction of capital offenses, execution. Mandatory. * Businessmen and officers of business and civilians convicted of being involved in knowingly transporting, hiring, and housing illegals: They are entitled to prosecution with the rights of civilians. However, the Constitution permits the creation of special (inferior) courts for their trials, appeals can be sharply limited, and the offense would be treason - therefor forfeiture of all assets and the death penalty would be appropriate. This is an invasion, it is war. * Try those elected officials voting for amnesty as traitors. Officials found refusing to enforce immigration laws as well. * Reject any obligation of future officials including courts to be bound by the terms of amnesty. There are many who would challenge the right to try anyone granted amnesty on the basis of any future prosecution being based on an ex post facto law. I would respond that the current government is at this time ultra vires, and that therefor it currently lacks the authority to govern, that amnesty granted by this government is null and void ab initio. * Re-invigorate legal immigration. Use processing fees that would otherwise go to smugglers to bring in additional legal immigrants. (Immigration, real and legal immigration, invigorates our economy, our culture, our heritage.) Quotas for immigration should be based on the need and ability of the economy to assimilate the immigrants. As for the space opened by the deportation or execution of the illegals, that is illusory. Use that space to put out of work Americans to work. There is no such job that an American should not want to do - Ive cleaned more than a few toilets in my day, when needed to support my family. Those who can work and wont can go hungry. Hard on children? Not as hard as growing up with no ability to work to improve their lot in life * Note that these actions must comport to international law. This does not mean some law passed by the UN, which does not have jurisdiction to pass laws effective within the United States, or some application of the laws of foreign countries being arbitrarily thrust down our throats by some court that has decided that if many or most advanced or civilized countries have adopted this posture, then it represents a consensus international law that should be adopted in the United States. I dont even mean treaties that were entered by the United States after the government ceased obeying the Constitution. International law is the law of armed conflict, and other treaties and conventions that were ratified by our government while it was still operating under the United States Constitution and which do not conflict with the Constitution. Other/more recent treaties will need to be re-evaluated by the Senate for benefit to the United States and compliance with the Constitution. *When the certain punishment for capture causes the benefits to pale, weve gone a long way to solving the problem, and the cost, of enforcement. If you agree, pass this on, AND send it to your Congressional representatives.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 12:38:25 +0000

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