Read an excerpt from The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD The Holy Mother - TopicsExpress


Read an excerpt from The Holy Mother Mary Is GOD The Holy Mother Mary is GOD: Ageless Wisdom for a New Era The Holy Mother Mary is GOD (Dedicated Lightworker Press, 2013) is a collection of messages to the human race from members of Divine Beings. These messages are full of wisdom about the new world that humankind has recently entered, as well as revelations about the true history of the human race and about The Holy Family. These Divine Beings like Jesus and Malachi are higher beings who have lived human lives on Earth, during which time they achieved very high levels of spirituality. They are the Ascended Masters—the archangels and great teachers referred to in spiritual writings throughout history. They have incarnated into many different races and ethnicities. They are called the White Brotherhood merely due to the aura of white light that surrounds them. These messages to humanity, relayed in The Holy Mother Mary is GOD, were channeled by a woman whom the author simply refers to as the Oracle. In this excerpt, the author and his wife are surprised to learn the true identity of Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Malachi: You have called a very special Energy forward to greet yourselves. And as you will receive Her, we will ask you to feel the deep love that is emanated by Her vibration. For here in your world, you call Her Mother Mary. And here in the Grand World [of Heaven], She is the Holy Spirit. So we ask you to realize the beauty and the depth of Holy Spirit, as She brings herself forward through this vehicle. I was shocked to hear Malachi say this. I had planned on asking Mother Mary questions about Her life with Jesus and Saint Joseph. Then Malachi tells my wife and me that Mother Mary is the Holy Spirit! In the transcript below, my wife and I speak with Mother Mary, channeled through the Oracle: Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit: My children, I greet you. I ask you to feel the light around you. In your hearts, you have called me forward. Know [that] in the heart of the Universe, we have called you forward. This is a blessed time in your human endeavors. You are aware of the evolution of this time. We ask you, as you breathe with us, to feel us, for in the present moment, we are working with your brain. The network of the universal consciousness is impressing vibrations through your brain, that you may receive our thoughts. Imprinting vibrations throughout your whole being, that your mind and hearts will find such a unification, that you hear beyond your ears, feel beyond your human heart, know beyond your human endeavors. We have called you to be agents of Light, spiritual trackers, that through your sacred hearts, you share with your beautiful siblings of life the joy of Spirit, the blessings of Love, the purity of Oneness—the vibrations that have been emitted into your brain. My wife and I have received direct teachings from the Holy Mother, Jesus and the Holy Father, Saint Joseph, since 2011. One of our greatest teachers is Malachi. He is a Grand Teacher, an Ascended Master. Malachi also speaks for the Masterful Angels Zoroaster, Melchizedek, Quan Yin, Buddha, Moses, Jared, Zohar, Kuthumi and many others in the Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood of Light. In our sessions with them, the Ascended Masters and Angels usually speak to Malachi, who then relays the messages to us through a channel. Like us, all of these great teachers exist as individual components that are also blended into the One consciousness. Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit: The more you know of the purity of your Holy Spirit, the less you will feel the separation or the mission of your soul, a soul on a lonely journey. The more you feel your Oneness, the more there is no worry. Peace prevails in your mind, in your endeavors. The book also delves into the question of how and why the truth of Mary’s identity has been hidden over the centuries. Here the Oracle channels Malachi, who provides an explanation of the beliefs that led to hiding the fact that the Holy Spirit is also Mother God: Malachi: In what you could term the most ancient of your times of learning and intuiting the connection of the Divine, then your humanity did indeed know that the Holy Spirit was the Divine Feminine, birthing the energies into individual Beingness. In the evolution of humanity, through the process that we have called the process of separation, the more humanity continued to feel the dynamics of only humanness, their third-dimensional reality, the less they could comprehend the grander aspect of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. As the eons were occurring, then there became that fallacy, that there was the separation of masculine and feminine. And as was noticeable in the human form, the masculine body carried a great deal more physical muscular strength then the feminine body. The feminine body, to the humans, became a very strange mystery. Why? Well, because it was popping out babies! [All laugh] And in the beginning of the consciousness of humanity, there was not the realization of how the babies were even being created. And so the Woman became a fearful thing. And of course, you [now] have great knowledge of the workings of the temple of the human body, and the gift of the masculine and the feminine to bring forth babies into the world. But realize [that] there was a time on this Earth when that was not knowable reality. As the feminine was to be feared, and the masculine had such physical strength, then there was the bowing to the masculine, that they were to be in charge, and to control the feminine, the fearful aspect. Now have a good giggle. Do you not find a humanity trying to control everything they fear? And so the masculine dominated the social, religious and political beliefs of the last eon. In addition to those influences, Malachi explains that the universe also runs in cycles of feminine and masculine. We are now leaving the last cycle of time, the last eon, in which the masculine will be allowed to dominate. Malachi explains: In the cycle of your incarnation, you have been blessed to see an eon change. And its lead is that of the feminine once again. A birthing, with the greatest intention in this cycle of the newness, to bring the balance of the masculine and the feminine forward. Unto yourselves, you can call it the God and the Goddess if you will. Humanity was working through a masculine paradigm, and believing that the masculine was in charge, and that here this woman could not have had a sacred Child with only a human being. And so was also the attitude, that human beings were less than Source. In this evolution of consciousness now, we honor greatly the evolution of Union. Humanity will come to this truth, and your religions must change. They cannot constantly stand in this endeavor of living and say that Mary is not Holy Spirit. They cannot stand in this endeavoring of truth and not allow it to be brought forward and spoken. And so you will keep your eyes open, will you not, to watch how this unfolds? That there will be the greater honoring of Mary, the Virgin Spirit, yes, purer Spirit—an ability to birth child without man. Yes, indeed, for She birthed All, did She not? The book is coming soon. It will be available on E-book very soon and we will post here when it is. Thank you, Kevin and Marina Kelly Dedicated Lightworker Press
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 23:36:59 +0000

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