Real MOM Question: I have a question for moms that have older - TopicsExpress


Real MOM Question: I have a question for moms that have older children. I have 2 kids ages 6 and 8 and have been divorced for over two years. Before school started this year I made the decision to move to a new and bigger town to be closer to work. I expected them to have a little bit of a hard time with all the adjustments to new home, school, and friends. It is now been two months and their issues at school and now at home are getting worse and not better. My youngest is acting out by yelling, and tearing things up. Today he broke crayons and ate them then tore the box up and tried to eat it. He is being very disruptive in class along with not listening and following directions. My oldest(who is on adhd medication) has come to poking and even hitting or kicking other kids and not listening or following directions. When at home they refuse to do their homework and want to fight and hurt each other along with not listening to me. Seems to be a fight to get them to do anything anymore including cleaning their own room. I do work full time and a single mom. I need help on what to do. Seems I am about to lose my mind. I am open to any suggestions as what to do to get them to be the way they were before. I have tried everything from being the Nice mom and trying to talk thru everything to time out and grounding and even spanking when they have pushed me over the edge which takes a lot.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:30:01 +0000

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