Rebuttal to a Pre-Trib Rapturist In a recent internet - TopicsExpress


Rebuttal to a Pre-Trib Rapturist In a recent internet correspondence with a Rapturist a very long montage of taken-out-of-context Scriptures were strung together by him that supposedly explained this mans Rapture beliefs. Below are some excerpts of the mans letter with answers to some of his inconsistencies. In reading his points and the Biblical answer against them it becomes abundantly clear why these people (Rapturists) are so wholly lost and deceived when it comes to understanding end-time Biblical prophecy. The whole of their beliefs regarding their so-called Rapture is nothing more than a house built upon the sand that shall be washed away at the true Second Advent of Christ, when He, Jesus Christ, shall return to this earth and promptly deposit their antichrist (false christ) into the pit. It is then that the Rapturist shall shamefully join the rest of the world as she fulfills the prophecy: Rev 6:15-17 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (KJV) Below is a Christian’s rebuttal to some of the mans points. At times this man seems to be arguing against those who hold that there is no Rapture contained in the Scriptures, and at other times he seems to be arguing with those Rapturists who differ from his particular Rapture faction; in other words, he is what is called a Pre-Trib Rapturist who is debating relative timing with a Post-Trib Rapturist. Of course they are both wrong, it is just that one is more wrong than the other. We did not post his long errant letter as we do not post false doctrine here, lest anyone happen on it and think it be the truth. Lord knows there are too many of false doctrine Rapture Websites as it is. We do not want to feed into the deception by mistake. Our reply to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture believer (David): Hello David: I welcome your rebuttals, and fully support your right to believe in whatever end-time scenario that you choose. That having been said, allow me to explain some of the things that you see as contradictions. For they are not contradictions, they only appear as contradictions when one tries to insert a monumental event (Rapture) into the Bible when it is not there. David said: “ post-anything rapture [referring to a Post-Tribulation Rapture view over a Pre-Tribulation Rapture view] flies in the face of many scriptures which clearly demand a coming of Christ that could occur at any moment.” AND: “To be watching and waiting for Christ if antichrist must appear first would be like...” But David, on an individual level, the day of Christ is at hand for everyone. If you walk outside your door today and get run over by a truck, guess what? It is the day of the Lord for you, for you shall see Him that day. Yes David, Christians must always be ready. No contradiction there. David said: “That the coming which Christs bride longs for will bring the resurrection of the dead and the transformation of the living into new bodies is clear not only from 1 Thessalonians 4, but from other passages such as...” Dave, you seem to forget all those whom died prior to this event. God’s plan includes those who pass away before the end-time as well as it pertains to those whom are alive at His coming. David said: “Nor does the following from Christ fit a post-trib coming: Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh (Mt 24:44).” I believe I covered that above, regarding the individual. However, even in the end-times, when Christ does return at His Second Advent, many shall think it an hour that He wouldn’t come. The reason being that they shall think that He ALREADY CAME! They shall think that the antichrist is the true Christ. Thus the reason for all Jesus’ many warnings about not worshipping the first one who comes claiming to be Jesus Christ. Matt 24:24-26 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, “HE” [the false christ antichrist] is in the desert; go not forth: behold, “HE” is in the secret chambers; “Believe It Not.” (KJV) &c... David said: “ It is absurd to imagine that anyone who had survived the Great Tribulation and had seen the prophesied events (the plagues and judgment poured out upon earth; antichrists image in the temple; the mark imposed to buy and sell; all killed who would not worship antichrists image; the three witnesses in Jerusalem killed, then resurrected and caught up to heaven; Jerusalem surrounded by the worlds armies, etc.), and who had counted the foretold 1,260 days, could possibly imagine at that hour that Christ was not about to return!” David, you bring up a great many topics in your above statement. May I take them by the numbers and offer BRIEF explanation that may be later expounded upon if any one of them is a stumbling block? “It is absurd to imagine that anyone who had survived the Great Tribulation” – ANSWER: The Great Tribulation is deception, not slaughter. Those looking for slaughter shall be deceived by the false christ antichrist and his false peace and safety. “the mark imposed to buy and sell” – ANSWER: The mark of the beast is not yet fully comprehended. Even you will agree that we simply do not know if it is a literal mark or a spiritual mark (or both) bore by the deceived masses. “all killed who would not worship antichrists image” – ANSWER: Yes, Dave, many shall be killed, but they will killed as Heretics for denying the false messiah antichrist whom the world esteems as the true Messiah of God. This is not unimaginable, for how many true Christians did the Catholic Church burn during the Dark Ages as Heretics. Can’t happen again, you say? Don’t you believe it! For Christ Himself said that it would: “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John 16:2) “the three witnesses in Jerusalem killed” – ANSWER: I’m sure that you meant Two Witnesses, i.e., Rev 11:3-12 “then resurrected and caught up to heaven” – ANSWER: Oh yea, Dave, the world will get a wake-up call at that moment for sure. However, that happens ONE LITERAL HOUR before the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, i.e. “And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and...” (Rev 11:13) “Jerusalem surrounded by the worlds armies” – ANSWER: You are out of sequence with this statement. We can discuss it later if you like. “could possibly imagine at that hour that Christ was not about to return” – ANSWER: Dave, they will not imagine that Christ can come to them at that time BECAUSE THEY THINK THAT HE IS ALREADY THERE! That is the only time a Christian could ever fathom that Christ will not return. Below is the situation at hand just prior to the Second Advent, and it is the one single reason that they shall think He cometh not: II Th 2:3-4 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [the day of the Lord, the Second Advent] shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (KJV) David said: “ Christ says He will come at a time of peace and prosperity when even His bride will not expect Him” Explained above. David said: “ Yet Scripture says that the Messiah comes when the world is almost destroyed by war, famine and Gods judgment and Israel is about to go down in defeat” Does it really? You confuse the first beast of revelation chapter 13 with the second beast of that chapter. We can expound on that deeper if you would like. David said: “ How could Christ come from heaven to execute judgment upon earth with ten thousands of his saints [i.e., multitudes] (Jude 14) if He had not first taken them to heaven? Here we have another reason for a pretrib rapture.” Dave, you make the same mistake that the Rapture Churches make today. You assume that the whole Bible and the whole plan of God revolves around ONLY THOSE ALIVE AT HIS COMING. What will you have us do with the Billions who died before the Second Advent? What would you do with the great multitudes that died in Christ in times past? It is they whom are the returning army with our Lord. We believers are still on earth, and when Christ returns with His army we whom are still alive on the planet whom believe upon Christ shall be changed (transformed to our spiritual bodies without tasting of a flesh death for Judgment to eternal life), while the unbelievers shall be slain (and thus enter their spiritual bodies for Judgment to death). I an interested in continuing this, but could we focus on just maybe one or two subjects at a time to facilitate a better coverage of each and a shorter response? And yes David, I agree with your statement: Come Lord Jesus, but much has to happen before it is yet time for that. Lets not let our guard down in the last hour like the five foolish virgins shall do. God bless!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 11:37:52 +0000

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