Recently on a very cold night while providing food to the - TopicsExpress


Recently on a very cold night while providing food to the homeless, a homeless man I have known for many years approached me. This is what he said...â€John, what will happen to us. We believe the government is trying to kill us and get rid of us. What can we do?â€.... Our charity is not a Political organisation. We stand against injustices and are a voice for many who have lost their voice. It is nothing to do with the government of the day or those in opposition. It is about people - Australians. Australians just like you and I and my wonderful caring volunteers. If there are injustices, these need be reported. The 2014-15 Budget recently delivered has now been analysed every which way and ramifications have been noted. Just some headlines and quotes below.... “... pain divides the nation†(Australian Council Of Social Services ACOSS CEO) This quote from Dr Hewson in a report by Laura Tingle Political Editor - The Australian Financial Review 11 June 2014... “The budget proposed in simple terms a cut of some 12 per cent to 15 per cent in the disposable income of lower-income groups, single-income families, families with children, but less than 1 percent cut in disposable incomes for those on higher incomes†What is proposed in this Budget is so very cruel to so many. It would be special if Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey and their ministers would join us on the streets as we support the homeless, marginalised and single parents. They would see the pain and suffering this budget will have on so many Australians. To see the anguish, fear and uncertainty of so many single mothers and their children who are about to have so much taken from them. To understand so many young people cannot get a job. The unemployment figure is 6% (and rising). But there are 10 – 15 per cent youth unemployed around Australia and I know the vast majority of these youth want a job. If there are no jobs, there are no jobs!!! Tony Abbot has resurrected a John Howard scheme. It is now known as the “Tony Abbott Green Armyâ€. A scheme begun on 1 July 2014 to provide work for 15,000, 17 – 24 year olds. That in itself is admirable until the facts are established As reported by Cassandra Devine –July 2 2014 Researcher at the ACTU; • The Green Army program will be paid less than the minimum wage, with rates sets at between $10.14 and $16.45 an hour, based on the training wage • The government has moved to pass a Bill that will exclude the workers from coverage under the Fair Work Act, meaning they’re not entitled to the usual rights to annual leave, public holidays, or protection from being unfairly dismissed or discriminated against in the workplace. • To pay for the $525 million program over the next four years, the Coalition has engaged in a clever act of switcheroo, by axing about $484 million from the Landcare budget. • The Green Army, which began on 1 July, is a six-month conservation program administered by external, private or not-for-profit providers and subcontractors. • On top of that, they won’t be able to receive their Youth Allowance while they’re on the program, and will be required to work full-time hours, leaving them no time to attend interviews or participate in job search activities. These are harsh laws and regulations. We need to stand against these injustices. In particular to support so many Australians who cannot defend themselves. They are not addicts or no-hopers. They are single parents, pensioners, young people struggling to pay university fees and get a career, youth who may not have rich parents to support them, youth who many have not had the opportunity to get a better education. They are homeless people who have little chance of ever getting out of their situation with such laws. It is up to all Australians to let their members of parliament know that this is not Australian to abandon the poor for the rich few. It is up to members of parliament to stand up against these injustices – you are our only voice in so many cases – we rely on you. How sad it is that Australians believe their government doesn’t care for them and simply wants to get rid of them. I believe the vast majority of Australians don’t want this to be. If we are to be a nation who has compassion and love for fellow man, we must ensure that those who cannot survive are supported by us. Welfare is about supporting those who cannot support themselves. Welfare is not a contract with the government who will provide support under certain conditions. Sadly, I believe governments around the world have forgotten this fact. Let us not forget. Let us stand to ensure Australia is the true “Welfare State†it once was. A country that once had care and compassion and ensured a basic standard of living for its citizens.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 08:07:11 +0000

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