Referring to my Jimmy Carter post below, let me share some - TopicsExpress


Referring to my Jimmy Carter post below, let me share some thoughts with you, as I look back over the events of the past 40 years. Jimmy Carter was a peanut farmer who became governor of Georgia in the 1970s. Thats when Richard Nixon was in office and soon to be thrown out when the public learned of all of his crimes, including trying to cover up the Watergate burglary. When Nixon resigned, his vice-president, Gerald Ford, became the new president and would fill out Nixons term. Shortly after moving into the White House, Ford signed a presidential pardon for Nixon, protecting him from any punishment for his many misdeeds. The public was angry with Ford and when he ran for President in 1976, he lost to a Washington outsider, Jimmy Carter. Carter was a fresh face and the public was sick and tired of the Nixon-Ford presidencies. To make a long story short, Carter wasnt part of the good old boy loop in Washington D.C., and he was mercilessly attacked in the press and by prominent Republicans for just about everything he tried to do. To help reign in out-of-control defense costs, Carter made some cutbacks. The press beat him up over this. Carter lowered our nations speed limits since gasoline prices were climbing and Carter wanted Americans to save gas (and lives). He got skewered here too; you see, Big Oil companies WANT you to burn as much gas as possible. Its how they make money. They dont want you to conserve. Next, we were seeing some natural gas and energy shortages. President Carter, knowing Americans are the most wasteful people on earth, tried to set a good example by lowering the temperature by a few degrees in the White House, and wearing a sweater when he appeared on TV in the White House during the winter. Again, he was pummeled. The Big Energy companies dont make money if you cut back on natural gas and heating oil. But what probably cost Carter reelection in 1980 when he lost to Ronald Reagan was the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. Carters military rescue attempt failed. But the day Reagan took office, the hostages were released. Only later would we learn of arms deals Reagans team was making with Iran behind Carters back, and against American law. Remember Oliver North and the Iran-Contra Scandal? I voted for Reagan in 1980. Id suckered for all the bad info and press the insiders had smeared Carter with. Reagan soon implemented his trickle down economy plan which gave the rich incredible tax write-offs, claiming the money the rich people would make would trickle down to the poor ones. Has any trickled down YOUR way recently? My point is this: I am ALWAYS willing to change my mind as new information about a subject is received and processed. I believe I was wrong about Jimmy Carter. I think he truly may have been the last president weve had who actually cared about the American people in a good, honest Christian way. The example he continues to set for helping the poor is commendable. I wish we had more men like Jimmy Carter in politics. As usual, MHO....
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:39:03 +0000

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