Regarding ObamaCare and GOPs current, new-found courage to speak - TopicsExpress


Regarding ObamaCare and GOPs current, new-found courage to speak up. They are trying to tell you that its Barack Obama and Harry Reids fault that Paul Ryan and John McCain and others didnt accurately describe what was in the law. You see, I read most of it before it passed. I knew what was in the Act, and that makes me wonder why didnt John Boehner or Mitch McConnell disclose enough about the crap in the bill to keep the last handful of Democrats in the Senate from voting yes? How can I suggest that could have happened - just look at the Democratic Senators who are up in 2014 - look how fast theyre running away from this donkey now that the facts are out. Maybe the GOP should have put those facts out in January/February of 2010 instead of arguing endlessly and pointlessly about the accuracy of the CBO projections and how much the law would or would not add to the deficit. Dont let the GOP off the hook. They were in the room and didnt warn you of this bomb, even as they watched Nancy Pelosi light the fuse. Take your life back from the government, even if your favorite politician is in charge. Not a single one of them - and not even your best friend - is as good at being you as you can be.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 15:16:46 +0000

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