Regarding the current fight against Racism on NE people, I think - TopicsExpress


Regarding the current fight against Racism on NE people, I think we need multi-pronged approach. Anti racial law alone will never solve the problem as we have seen that Anti dowry law has never solved the dowry problem. Even if there is anti-racial law, how many NE people will fight a case using the anti-racial law especially when the offence is a minor one? If you someone called chinky or other racist slur, because of my busy schedule, I would just avoid it rather than going to police station, register FIR, visit to court number of times to punish the person under the anti-racial law just for that minor offence. Im sure most of the NE people would end up suffering in spite of anti-racial law, simply because of lack of time to pursue the court case. Of course such law become useful when there is a more severe offence. However, practically speaking, the most annoying things is the minor offences happening every minute, every hour, every day. Therefore, according to me the most effective SOLUTION in this kind of issue would be Aggressive awareness drive through print and electronic media telling the general public that there are Indians with mongoloid features from Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, etc, not to presume all mongoloid featured people as foreigners, and regarding Unity in Diversity. Once people are aware, even the minor the harassment/ racist comments will definitely reduce to a great extend. A regular twice weekly or daily clips on print and electronic media on the awareness drive should be done for months together. I know that awareness drive is an expensive process, but if Delhi govt or Central govt really respect the rights of the NE people, they must spend few crores of Rupees.... And They must spend right now. We need multi-pronged approach in solving the racism issue. We must work to achieve the following three things together. I am very confident if the present protest continues in the same momentum, we can achieve all the following targets very soon. 1. Pressing for Aggressive awareness drive through print and electronic media daily/twice weekly. 2. Pressing for Anti-racial law, Anti-racial commission. 3. Inclusion of a chapter on North-East India in Schools text book from class VIII to X. Achieving any one of the above points will not solve the problem. The combination of ALL the above mentioned three points is the solution.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 18:05:43 +0000

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