Reiki With the Masters by Reiki Rays on July 11, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Reiki With the Masters by Reiki Rays on July 11, 2013 Article by Reiki Master Lhynn Nevarez The day I began my Reiki training in the middle of an attunement, a picture flew off the wall at me! What a shock as I opened my eyes. There was a picture of Paramahansa Yogananda! My Reiki master says: ”Look who came in to be with you”. So since that time I have used him each time I do Reiki. Then a year or so went by and I start seeing a man with long black hair in a cave. I only ever saw the back of him and he seemed to bring a whole new reflection into my work. A more serene and loving feeling! I couldn’t wait to do Reiki as these two were my constant companions. All went along wonderfully for maybe 4 years, when one day as I sat behind the massage table ready to start a session when a whole group of men came and stood around my table… in my mind’s eye… they all wore different colored robes… nothing bright just mundane colors… with some cords tied on some… others not! Long robes and short one. Most of these men had longer hair… I have never seen their faces! I instinctively knew they were healers and all was okay… I always ground and center before I start and say a prayer for mine and the clients highest good! I began my session and maybe halfway through one of these gentlemen slips in front of me… my eyes are closed but I see his back… He works on my client and then goes back to his place around the table… In all the years I have never been privy to anything they do… As I sit and send Reiki! Image by Diego Cambiaso So I began to realize this was being channeled and felt very blessed for this opportunity to do this work… Obviously this wasn’t a talking channel session but a visual one, where I was allowed to see many things over the years. So as I do attunements sometimes I tell them this may occur in their lives and most often not… I do ask my newly attuned practitioner if a spiritual guide has come in for them… Most say no, not at that time! I did have a client who was very ill and of course as I started the session. By the time I got to the solar plexus area… a figure of a man… a shaman came in and took over… It was fascinating he looked Native American and he had a feather and a reed with him… He took the reed and feather and did much work over her, and then in typical” Roots” fashion, if you saw that miniseries, he picks her up and holds her up to the sky, says things in a language I do not understand, then gentle as a lamb returns her and leaves… She had been asleep this whole time. Afterward she woke and was getting ready to go and says did you lift me way up in the air… I said no… So I told her what I had seen and she was very wide-eyed… She started to heal after that and is well today! So if you are a new practitioner, be open to something coming in on the spiritual avenue, and just let it flow. I imagine we have invited them by opening to the beautiful Reiki healing! Lhynn Nevarez Lhynn Nevarez Lhynn Nevarez has been a Reiki Master since 1997 and has been doing Reiki since 1990. In the mid 1980s, she wrote a metaphysical, historical romance novel but never sought publishing. Over the years, she has written many short stories then put writing aside to focus on other areas. Lhynn also runs a popular social media page about Angels, Crystals and all things metaphysical and writes most of her own content. Her Facebook page is https://facebook/pages/Lhynns-Angels-of-Light/407801332636839.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 00:30:47 +0000

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