Release all Issues of Rape Recently I facilitated a session - TopicsExpress


Release all Issues of Rape Recently I facilitated a session with a woman who was nervous about a court date. She wasnt so concerned about the outcome but she was concerned about how she would be perceived by people who knew her who may be present. I tuned into what the core issue was. When I shared with her what came through, she had a strong reaction even though she had no idea what I was referring to at first. I said, You believe you were treated unfairly by the Lords of Karma. She had no idea what that meant but it created a strong reaction in her body. I explained the role of the lords of Karma. I told her how the Lords of Karma are the governing force between lifetimes. They look at the life you have lived and set up the conditions for future incarnations based on your actions in previous lives. Going in front of a judge was triggering this deep issue within her. I sensed how she had been energetically and literally raped many many times. It felt like she was devastated by these situations and lost key pieces of herself in the process. But we went back to further incarnations to where she was the rapist. When she was the rapist, she did not feel like it was such a bad thing. She disassociated between her action and the pain she inflicted upon others. It was not until she went in front of the Lords of Karma between lifetimes that she was held accountable for her actions. When they handed out a sentence of her to shift from being the perpetrator to the victim, she felt it was harsh. She felt that she didnt understand the consequences and should get compassion for her ignorance of the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. But the Lords of Karma are very exacting and handed out a ruthlessly accurate decree. In her frustration, she ended up cursing the Lords of Karma. She believed they were being unfair to her because of that and she felt a sense of injustice because of this. I reassured her that they were unaffected by her reactions and we did some energy taps around it. In her lifetimes after that particular sentencing, she went from being dominantly the perpetrator to the victim. When she was seeing herself as the victim, she was seeing only half of her past dynamics. By finally realizing that she was responsible for what she was receiving, it shifted her energetically from the victim mode to the overseer. In the present life, when she was afraid of being perceived as the bad guy, It was a deep reaction to her past when she was the perpetrator and could not fathom herself in that role. The reactions of peers was her first awakening to her own self responsibility in regard to her actions. It dug deep in her. And that was part of what we were releasing. Here are some of the taps that we did. (say each statement 3 times while tapping on the chest and say it a 4th time while tapping on your head) I release cursing the Lords of Karma; in and between all lifetimes I release the belief that the Lords of Karma are unfairly punishing me; in all lifetimes I release being ignorant to cause and effect; in all lifetimes I release confusing being different as being a deviant; in all lifetimes I release the Trauma of being raped; in all lifetimes I release raping others; in all lifetimes I recant all vows and agreements between myself and the rapist; in all lifetimes I recant all vows and agreements between myself and all the victims; in all lifetimes I dissolve all karmic ties between myself and the rapist; in all lifetimes I dissolve all karmic ties between myself and all the victims; in all lifetimes I remove all the guilt, pain, burden, limitations and imprinting that the rapists have put on me; in all lifetimes I remove all the guilt, pain, burden, limitations and imprinting that I have put on all the victims; in all lifetimes I take back all the Joy, Love, Abundance, Freedom, Health, Success, Security, Companionship, Peace, Life, Wholeness, Beauty and Enthusiasm that the rapist has taken from me; in all lifetimes I give back all the Joy, Love, Abundance, Freedom, Health, Success, Security, Companionship, Peace, Life, Wholeness, Beauty and Enthusiasm that I have taken from all the victims in all lifetimes I am centered and empowered Joy, Love, Abundance, Freedom, Health, Success, Security, Companionship, Peace, Life, Wholeness, Beauty and Enthusiasm in and between all lifetimes After the session, my client realized what a small event the court date was in the whole scheme of life. It was actually a great tool (as are all our issues) to dig out a huge understanding that will serve her in her spiritual education.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 02:16:20 +0000

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