Religion and the idea that there is a God out there that has put - TopicsExpress


Religion and the idea that there is a God out there that has put us here for a reason. All I can say to that is if you believe in God then is it not your duty to go searching for God. Science I believe is that journey the search for the truth that science can bring about and the many unforeseeable questions that it will undoubtably bring catapult us to greater understanding and to the God we want to know. The God that created us and set into motion the chain of events that led us to this day. We are creation trying to make sense of it all and we only can when we realize that even through our minor differences and different ways of thinking of God the majority of us believe that there is Someone out there guiding us. We in most faiths that I am aware of we believe to be created in the image of God so why not continue with that creation in progress all around us and learn and grow with it.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 03:43:01 +0000

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