Remember, Satan taught mankind to sin and be like the - TopicsExpress


Remember, Satan taught mankind to sin and be like the Gods. Genesis 3:5— For He knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be as Gods (elohim), knowing Righteousness and evil. So what is sin? I Yahchanan 3:4— Whoever commits sin, transgresses also the Laws; for sin is the transgression of the Laws. There is no religion on earth today, except The House of Yahweh, that teaches you to practice Yahweh’s Perfect Laws. I challenge you to find one. Now, remember the Savior’s Words in Yahchanan 8:44 and compare: I Yahchanan 3:7-8— 7 Little children, let no man deceive you; he who practices Righteousness is Righteous, just as He is Righteous. 8 He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Yahweh was manifested; that He might destroy the works of the devil. Don’t lie to yourself. All religions today are practicing sin, being led by preachers and corporations that teach the Laws were done away with. They belong to Satan, not to Yahweh the Creator. Notice: I Yahchanan 3:10— In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor! You can see in the study of these Scriptures that Satan is inspiring religions all over the world (Revelation 12:9) to bring forth what the Scriptures call iniquity. Iniquity? Mattithyah 24:12— And because iniquity will abound, the love of the many will grow cold. Iniquity means doing away with Yahweh’s Laws that teach love. Rebelling against, condemning, making war against, teaching others not to keep Yahweh’s Laws are all iniquity. Notice again what Mattithyah 24:12 is saying. Because iniquity is taught by the religions (Mattithyah 24:11) love for one’s fellow man, neighbor, and all people grows cold. Love growing cold means hatred growing hot and thoughts of murder taking over the mind instead of the teaching of love, which Yahweh’s Laws bring forth. Notice: I Yahchanan 3:10-12— 10 In this the Children of Yahweh and the children of the devil are manifest. Whoever does not practice Righteousness is not of Yahweh, and he does not love his neighbor! 11 For this is the Message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. 12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and murdered his brother. And why did he murder his brother? Because his works were evil, and his brother’s were Righteous.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 22:35:40 +0000

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