“Renunciation is realizing that nostalgia for samsara is full of - TopicsExpress


“Renunciation is realizing that nostalgia for samsara is full of shit.”-Trungpa Rinpoche Renunciation is realizing that our nostalgia for wanting to stay in a protected, limited petty world is insane. How do we work with this tendency to block and to freeze and to refuse to take another step toward the unknown? If our edge is like a huge stone wall with a door in it, how do we learn to open that door and step through it again and again, so that life becomes a process of growing up, becoming more and more fearless and flexible, more and more able to play like a raven in the wind? The journey of awakening—the classical journey of the mythical hero or heroine—is one of continually coming up against big challenges and then learning how to soften and open.The whole journey of renunciation, or starting to say yes to life, is first of all realizing that you’ve come up against your edge, that everything in you is saying no, and then at that point, softening. This is yet another opportunity to develop loving-kindness for yourself, which results in playfulness - Pema Chodron
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 16:17:18 +0000

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