Report from the hustings! Ive been out and about all over the - TopicsExpress


Report from the hustings! Ive been out and about all over the county, and can say without reservation that average folks are overwhelmingly against renewal of the sin tax. I have met hundreds (perhaps thousands? lost count) of likely voters who have had it with billionaires playing by different rules than the rest of us. The sin tax is the Platonic form of just about everything a little old lady cannot stand about politics, governing, economics, the whole ball o wax. Most common comments? 1. Smokers and even non-smokers are ENRAGED that they cannot smoke in a building they paid to build, not even in a designated smoking area. 2. No one can afford to go to a game at any of these facilities. In fact, most people Ive spoken to have never been to any of the facilities for this reason. They almost always mention how much it costs to buy a beer there. 3. Potholes. This winter has destroyed the roads in Cleveland, revealing decades of neglect in one fell swoop. Voters are not happy about being asked to throw hundreds of millions at three relatively new facilities while the roads are cowpaths. 4. Corporate welfare. This is the point where your friendly little old lady starts to get really angry. They have had it up to here with the richest people in town getting whatever the hell they want, when they want it, while the rest of us have to scrimp and save just to get by. Which leads to ...... 5. Income inequality. These ball players make millions! I hear that constantly. They dont even get to Haslam, Dolan, or Gilbert. When I tell them the rent the Browns pay is $250K, which is $125K less than the NFL minimum rookie contract, they really get mad......then the kicker..... 6. The teams suck, especially the Browns. This is a football town first and foremost, and if the Browns come up in this very short conversation I have with a voter, look out. The multiple firings for which the Browns continue to pay out millions to people not even on the team anymore is a favorite topic. Bottom line.......this thing is going down.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:29:36 +0000

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