Repost from: Dr Matthew L Stevenson III Using the Elijah and - TopicsExpress


Repost from: Dr Matthew L Stevenson III Using the Elijah and Elisha template for Sonship, the following is a typical process of development between the involvement of a Spiritual Leader and ones they would embrace as sons. For perspective, each of these phases, will more than likely be years in the making, which is why anyone in a rush, is not going to make a good son. Sonship is not seasonal, you are born into and engrafted into a DNA! Here is the process of Sonship relationships- 1. The Discovery-Defintion Phase- This is where a potential son, runs into a sound, a spirit, a strength and most importantly a DNA that impacts them. There is voice recognition and a heart tie that confirms and notifies the Son that youve found the one thats graced to DECODE you. This phase is where the Discovery is made, The difference ( between this man and any other man youve heard) is discerned, and most importantly the DIALOGUE is had ( to express expectations, definition, boundaries, etc) and then the Decision is made! It can be God, and you can still decide you dont want it. This is where the initial level of TRUST develops. A risky relationship on both parties, this phase will be slow normally. The Father will be more critical at this juncture to sift through motives, ambitions and to find the real reason that you want to connect. 2. The Training Phase- This is where the lessons, drills, challenges, cutting, pruning, restricting, restraining and investment begins. This is methodical, relational, highly informational and very involved. Discussions concerning who you are, where youve been, what you have and where you think your headed are had during this phase repeatedly. Potential threats to the relationship and the revelation behind it begin to surface at this juncture. This is the germination season where principles are deposited in layers and the covenant reinforced on another level. This is still the early parts of the relationship, and will span over several years, if its to be real. At this juncture the Father is observing the cycles, temptations, weaknesses, character challenges and habits and allowing them to exist for a season, to allow Him ample proof once the rebuke begins consecutively. This is also a season of affirmation, push, you can do its and I see whats in you type opportunities. 3. The Maturity Phase- Here is where things get a little complex, still containing the lessons of the first two stages, the maturity phase is where the Father begins to hone in on the purpose, value and potential of the son on a new level. Most of your most harsh conversations start to happen here. At this juncture, years are behind the relationship, and both parties recognize why GOD orchestrated the relationship to begin with. The son now, is probably in responsibility at a level they hadnt been able to handle before, people have begun to recognize the influence and nature of the father in the son, but maturity is the next objective. Training years, are to get you good and expert at something. Maturity, is teaching you how to use it under restraint and how to become useful. This is different from learning your gift and calling, this is teaching you the laws of RIGHT use. This is professionalism, character, holiness, crisp thinking. This is the phase where the Father really begins to challenge the scope of your thinking processes. The lens by which you see life, relationships and purpose, are all concerns now, because the wrong attitude can abort His investment and ultimately the purpose of God in your life. At this juncture, The Spiritual Father will protect your purpose from everyone including yourself. This is a phase where many immaturitys may begin to surface in light of the next season of life and the spiritual father will CUT with a new sharpness to prepare you for greater influence and to make you worthy of replicating. Youll spend quite a while at this phase too!! 4. The Promotion Stage- Now, your heart, motives, and character are all textbook information. Years of victories, failures, strengths and flaws are all stored in the relationship and used as reference points for the validity of the relationship. You are now ready for new levels of promotion which is equal to the Fathers ability to create platforms and bring endorsement to you. This is important. This will be the beginning of your assignment at the scale that you couldnt have handled until now. Endorsement will happen in different ways at every level of the relationship, but at the promotion stage, it is the objective. To create, open and make possibilities for you that you dont have the resources, relationships, revenue or power to make happen. This is when a great level of energy is put into your platform, purpose and perpetuity. This can only happen after years of loyalty have been proven. FINALLY------------------- INHERITANCE-------------------- Most relationships end, before this can actually happen, but its the objective. To be continued..........
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 05:06:51 +0000

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