Reprise: THE STEADY, but sure... APOSTASY OF CHRISTIANITY A - TopicsExpress


Reprise: THE STEADY, but sure... APOSTASY OF CHRISTIANITY A VERY BRIEF HISTORY OF JEWS AND CHRISTIANS: Adam was the first natural man. He was not a Jew. Abraham was chosen by God to start the seed line of the Messiah, Jesus Christ (through Isaac). He was not a Jew. Moses was given the Laws of God by God, Himself. Moses was not a Jew. Jacob was the first man in the bible to be called Israel because he changed from being a supplanter and a deceiver to one who believed God and followed Him. ALL believers in God (Jesus Christ) are called Israel because we have also had a change of heart. Jacob was not a Jew. The High Priest was elected by God (Aaron) to offer the sacrifices for sin for the people. He was the ONLY one who could enter the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle. He was a foreshadow of our Lord Jesus Christ as our High Priest in the heavenlies. He was not a Jew. A sign of the Old Covenant that was given to Abraham was circumcision. All the males in Abrahams family, and ANYONE who joined this company of Israelites (believers) also took on the sign of circumcision as showing they were believers in Jehovah (YWHW/Jesus). Coming out of Egypt, these were a mixed multitude (Numbers 11:4). They were called Israel. None of them were Jews....unless they decided to become one by faith in Judaism. God severely criticized the Jews in Jeremiah chapter 44. He identified Himself as the Lord God of hosts (of heaven), the God of Israel (believers in Him). The Jews worshiped other gods and did things that enraged God because of it. Thats what this chapter is about. Where did the Jews come from? Because the Law of God from Moses had become the law of the land, it became the priests responsibility to TEACH the Law to the people. That required MEETINGS which they had every Sabbath in all the villages and towns in Judea. It was these Sabbath services that finally merged into regular synagogue services. This was the decision of men and not Gods directive. In time, all the areas within Judea began to build their OWN synagogues. In some of the larger areas, a body of priests would take up residence and take charge over the synagogue. The recognition of this religious disobedience among the Jews during the Egyptian domination is the actual KEY that explains the reason why the Judaism of Jesus Christs day arose. Had this religious anarchy not occurred, there would have been no Judaism for Jesus to contend with. If conditions remained as they did for a period when the Laws of God, alone, were followed, then Jesus would have come to a people who were fully obeying the Laws of God given to Moses. And if they had studied the scriptures for themselves, they would have recognized who Jesus was. But, instead we find a people who were practicing Judaism - the religion of the Jews - not the Laws of God given to Moses for the people. History proves that Judaism evolved out of, and was directly guided by, the inherited principles of PAGAN activities and ceremonies added to the Synagogue meetings as traditions of men by the priests. The very foundation of Judaism and its underlying pagan principles, combined with the traditions of the priests inserted into its activities, caused religious chaos. AND WE ARE DOING THE SAME THING TODAY. We are supposed to be ONE BODY composed of believers in Jesus Christ; each contributing what truths the Holy Spirit of God has led them to....each one is part of this whole I Corinthians chapter 12. BUT...along the way, those who stood behind the pulpits (eg. priests, ministers, pastors, etc) taught only the doctrine(s) they, alone, had learned and believed. And those who listened to these leaders instead of searching the scriptures for themselves...Acts 17:11...only parroted the same doctrines they had heard whether these doctrines were correct or not. So, today we are divided into many churches and doctrines, and there is much disagreement among ourselves as to who is right and who is wrong. God did not want us to be this way, and He chastises us for it. He wrote a BOOK all about what He wants from us....but few actually study it for themselves. There are even Christian churches today who follow and believe the Jews and their doctrines. There are no such thing as Messianic Jews. Christians follow Jesus, and Jews follow Judaism. The term Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. As one actor once said a long time ago...What a fine mess were in!...... We all need to read and understand the errors pointed out in the Book of Galatians. Also, we need to avoid the traditions of men which God has also warned us about....and these traditions of men are what the religion of the Jews is all about. Have you ever had the unpleasant experience of reading the Talmud? Its a doctrinal book for the Jews, and its very enlightening. Read the whole chapter 7 of the Gospel of Mark...especially verse 7...Howbeit in vain do they worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. And Colossians 2:8...Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.. In fact, so many pastors now tell their flock what they should eat, drink, not drink, what they should wear or not wear, do, or not do, etc. And then they start a new church which follows these doctrines. We all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves who is to blame for such mass confusion. Christians intensely study Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21, Daniel chapter 9, and try to figure out Revelation....but they almost totally ignore most of the OT, and a great deal of the NT...and then they say they know prophecy and doctrine. Each one of us will be judged for our faith, works, and doctrines. But, this is only my own fairly educated opinion...what do I know anyway? Arlene
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:14:49 +0000

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