Republican Politicians: All Wrecking Ball, No Vision Here is the - TopicsExpress


Republican Politicians: All Wrecking Ball, No Vision Here is the stark idiocy of the Republican filibuster and congressional gamesmanship over Obama care and the federal budget: The Healthcare Reform Act does not impede nor in any way hinder the implementation of any and all measures that could be undertaken by the Republicans to advance market reforms to fix the other twin that is the monster to our health care problems (the first being not everyone was insured and yet many were benefiting from but not contributing to our health care system). What is that monster? The giant price tag we pay. Why–party because the American Medical Associations and Medical Industries’ straggle hold on medical provider competition, medical school education, prescription drug patent law, medical product competition, and pricing notice requirements. These are just a few. There are many, many other reforms that could be made that would preserve the very positives things that a majority of Americans favor regarding the reforms and also reduce the costs of medical care in this country. Why do Republicans Politicians have no vision, no plan, no cojones other than to be the spoiler with no leadership? Because they don’t work for the American citizenry–that work for the entrenched powers that are profiting like bandits by controlling health care competition and fixing prices.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 03:01:33 +0000

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