Republicans have no obligation to assist the Democrats as they - TopicsExpress


Republicans have no obligation to assist the Democrats as they change the country in a way that favors them electorally, particularly when it does great harm to the people already here. John Boehner has NOT RIGHT to force this Bill on the American People. Amnesty no matter HOW they write it is NOT good for this Country and it will KILL the GOP. WHY....? Because immigrants overwhelmingly vote for Democrats having come from countries that are overwhelmingly run by dictators, communist or other tyrannies. They come here to Escape, but they cant LEAVE BEHIND, apparently, their willingness to be ruled instead of free to make choices. Unlike Immigrants, Native Born Americans know what it means to have Freedoms. Immigrants dont understand freedom yet. I know this for a fact, because I have a very good friend from Bulgaria who also lived in Japan for over 10 years. She is highly intelligent and holds both a Legal degree and a Financial degree and yet when she came here in 2007 she voted for Obama in 2008 because she didnt know any better. She didnt understand yet what she needed to learn about the Parties and the Candidates. NOW She is a Supporter of Ron Paul & Rand Paul because she has learned. We cannot keep bringing Mexicans into this Country because they wont want higher paying jobs. This cheap labor force HURTS American citizens looking for jobs. Yes, it’s great for the most powerful Americans to have lots of cheap, unskilled labor. Immigration definitely solves the rich’s “servant problem.” But this NATION is looking for Skilled Immigrants with Engineering degrees. I am a shamed of John Boehner. What is he thinking? Why is he willing to do this Immigration Bill NOW. If we wait till next year its a good chance that we will get WHAT the American People WANT and NOT what a LAWLESS Obama Administration wants to shove down our collective throats.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 16:03:57 +0000

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