Resurrection Thoughts Romans 8:22-23 22 For we know that the - TopicsExpress


Resurrection Thoughts Romans 8:22-23 22 For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now. 23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. We who have received the first-fruits or down-payment of the spirit of redemption are waiting for the full payment that this down-payment guarantees us - which is the full adoption of which this earnest or first-fruits has given us a measure - the spirit of adoption - and what is the full redemption of the purchased possession? [Ephesians 1:13-14] - it is the redemption of our body - our mortal body which shall put on immortality. And we know that if we should pass from this mortal realm before that time - that we have a body eternal awaiting us in the heavens. Notice, Paul calls it a body eternal - not a body immortal - the language is precise. This mortal is swallowed up of life (the spirit of eternal life shall cloth our soul in a body eternal - the theophany [2 Corinthians 5:1-5]) But here is the mystery - we shall not all sleep - we will not all have to pass from this mortal realm - but we shall all be changed - transformed in the atoms - so that this mortal shall put on immortal and this corruption put on incorruption... and that will be the redemption of our mortal body - redeem means to buy back or bring back to original condition and position. And we are promised the redemption of our mortal body - not of our soul - our soul is already redeemed - it will go to a body eternal if we sleep in the dust. But the body also shall be redeemed at the last trumpet. When the dead in Christ rise first - when? through the ages? NO - At the last trumpet - not before that time - so this is NOT speaking of the eternal body - the theophany - this speaks of the mortal body being transformed so that it is no longer subject to natural death... so that it is immortal. There is a big difference between immortal (which means not mortal or subject to death and corruption) and eternal (which means without beginning or end) And how can a mortal body become immortal? - only when it is transformed - when the theophany sweeps in to take possession. For that is how the sleeping saints obtain the glorified earthly body - by the theophany coming down into this dimension and claiming back the atoms that once formed its body. So the same is true for the living - our theophany will break through into this realm and claim those atoms that presently form our mortal body - and they will be transformed in a moment - the twinkling of an eye. [1 Corinthians 15:51-55] Paul desired to see that day - to come to the time when the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ would sent to us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him - to the intent of preparing a people to receive life from death - to come to the knowledge of Him and the power of His resurrection - Paul desired to attain to the resurrection from the dead - Paul who was already reborn - aspired to this high calling [Philippians 3:7-14] - his confession was not that the resurrection was already past for him - rather he withstood those who made such outrageous claims. [2 Timothy 2:18] Do not lose the hope of His high calling in this hour brethren - do not lose sight of the promise of the resurrection - for the dead in Christ shall rise first and then we who are alive and remain shall be changed - from mortal to immortal - and then together we shall be caught up to meet our Lord in the air... [1 Thessalonians 4:16] Take comfort in this - in His loving kindness and in His undying faithfulness to bring us to this glorious promise.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 00:20:38 +0000

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