Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office Daily Report: - TopicsExpress


Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office Daily Report: Wednesday 8 October 2014 2 hours ago in Daily Reports The Free Syrian Army launches two battles in Dara’a and Aleppo Southern Region Damascus and its countryside: Al-Yarmouk Clashes erupted between FSA forces and regime troops at the al-Mothalath front of the camp. Jobar The Free Syrian Army foiled regime’s struggle to advance in the neighbourhood amid fierce clashes. Al-Qalamoun Clashes continued between revolutionary forces and Assad troops reinforced by Hezbollah militias in the rural areas of al-Qalamoun. Harasta Revolutionary forces fired mortar shells at regime bases in al-Moasalat front while violent clashes broke out in the area and left a number of soldiers killed. Dara’a: Dara’a al-Mahata FSA forces in Dara’a al-Mahata launched a new battle to liberate several sectors at the city center. During the first day, they gained control of al-Awdeh sector housing three regime-held buildings in addition to Bouz al-assal sector housing five regime-held buildings. Moreover they liberated al-Rawda sector, located to the south of Abdulaziz mosque, the biggest and most fortified sector. The FSA aim to advance towards the city center and liberate the security compound. Busra al-Sham The Free Syrian Army used SPG-9 and 82mm guns to bomb regime troops based in the city. Central Region Hama: Mourek The Free Syrian Army regained control of the Tank Battalion in the city after Assad troops seized it in the morning, they also seized arms, ammunition and several military vehicles. Meanwhile, the FSA destroyed a regime BMP vehicle using a Metis rocket in the outskirts of the city while a number of Assad troops were killed during clashes at the six point area. In the meantime, the FSA seized control of point-8 and captured all regime troops there. Maardes The Free Syrian Army fired Grad missiles at regime and Shabiha checkpoints in Maardes area achieving direct hits. Souran The Free Syrian Army used Grad missiles to bomb regime and Shabiha premises in the town of Souran of the northern countryside inflicting significant life and material losses among them. Northern Region Aleppo: Southern Countryside Revolutionary forces launched a new battle in the southern countryside to gain control of the military factories, a regime stronghold and a production facility of barrel and cylinder bombs. During the first day, they gained control of several villages neighbouring the military factories including Bashkoy, Kashota, al-Barzaniyah, Diman, al-Zara’a in addition to al-Shajra checkpoint. Around 60 regime troops were reportedly killed during the battle while revolutionaries shot down a regime helicopter in the area. Moreover, revolutionary forces shelled regime locations in the outskirts of the military factories using guided missiles. Nubol and al-Zahra’a Revolutionary forces used mortar shells and heavy machine guns to attack regime troops in the two towns. Handarat A number of Assad troops were killed during clashes with the FSA in the area. Meanwhile, revolutionary forces attacked regime troops in the area using heavy machine guns. Dahiat al-Assad FSA fighters used Juhannam launchers to attack and Assad troops in the neighbourhood; ten troops including an officer were reportedly killed. Old City The FSA targeted a regime military meeting in the al-Alam building in the old city, while fierce clashes broke out between revolutionary forces and Assad troops in the outskirts of Aleppo citadel. Tal Maled Revolutionary forces damaged an ISIS military vehicle during clashes against ISIS militants in the village. Idlib: Waddy Addayf The Free Syrian Army mortared al-Daba’an checkpoint of Waddy Addayf military camp achieving direct hits. Al-Foua Revolutionary forces fired mortar shells at Shabiha premises in the city. Lattakia: Nabi Younes Clashes took place between the Free Syrian Army and Assad troops in the outskirts of Nabi Younes Summit. Raqqa: International Coalition forces continued targeting ISIS locations in Raqqa countryside according to Revolutionary Forces of Syria Media Office correspondent. IC aircraft launched today morning three air strikes on the areas surrounding al-Tabqa military airport and another raid on al-Tabqa crossroads to the south of the city. The Coalition fighter jets have conducted more than eight air raids yesterday on ISIS bases in the outskirts of Brigade 93 in the city of Ain Essa; the attacks reportedly killed dozens of ISIS militiamen and caused significant damages to the military installations. Our correspondent reported that IC aircraft targeted an ISIS oil refinery near the city of Salok to the north of Raqqa. | Moreover, the Coalition bombed the outskirts of Brigade 93 using four Tomahawk missiles while IC aircraft conducted several air strikes on ISIS locations in the outskirts of the city of Kobane.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 19:29:48 +0000

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