Riding the Roller Coaster of Emotions.. A watchmans call classic, - TopicsExpress


Riding the Roller Coaster of Emotions.. A watchmans call classic, reposted from 2009: Emotion – A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility* Synonyms - Feeling, emotion, passion, sentiment refer to pleasurable or painful sensations experienced when one is stirred to sympathy, anger, fear, love, grief, etc. Do you ever feel like youre at the mercy of your emotions? Are you riding the roller coaster of emotions on a daily basis? Then it could just be that your emotions are ruling your life. The people who have no peace in their lives are the people who let their emotions rule them. There is no stability and no peace in a life like that. They are up and then they are down – always at the mercy of their emotions. The good news is that there is help and victory for managing your emotions. God wants a peaceful and happy life for you - one that is stable and happy. Each emotion can be either positive or negative. It depends on how it is perceived by the person feeling it. That is where we come in. We have to learn to control the urge to let negative emotions rule us. Where does a negative emotion originate? It all begins in the mind. Think of yourself as the gatekeeper. You are the only one who has control over what goes in and what goes out. If we allow any old thought into our minds, we will have trouble. Knowing what is true and what isn’t is the key. Jesus said that He is the truth. That is what we strive for. Emotions are not necessarily truth. They can be deceptive. Learn to recognize the truth and live in that. Accept the truth. Discard everything else. We are sent to this world as a spirit. God’s will in placing us here is by becoming a human person. When we are born into this world, we come with a human body, a human mind and a human set of emotions. We see the world with human eyes and hear with human ears. Yet we have a spiritual side which came first. When we come into this world, we are babies. We are helpless and defenseless. We have to be taught the ways of the world. We have to learn about what we’re seeing, feeling and hearing. We have to be taught to protect ourselves from danger and how to live in the right ways according to the social and practical standards of the world. We are taught the human side so much that the spiritual part never gets fully developed. We learn to depend on the human things like emotions that naturally happen to us in this world. However, the spiritual part is more important than the human side. The spiritual came first and then the human but we operate as if the human side is the only side. Both parts are important. We can’t discount either side. Where we need work though is in practicing and operating in the spiritual side first and then the natural side. Jesus was human. He had human emotions. Human emotions are neither good nor bad. It’s not a bad thing to have emotions. The difference was that he didn’t let them control him. The spiritual came first. He saw with His spiritual eyes first and then his natural eyes. He reacted first to the spiritual prompting then the natural prompting. When we operate only in the natural world, it means we are operating in our humanness. We are not living the complete life. We are short-changing ourselves. When we allow our emotions to be in control, we believe what we see and feel with our natural human eyes first instead of our spiritual eyes. The term, “Seeing is believing” has no place in the life of the Christian. There is no such thing in God’s kingdom. It is “I believe it therefore I will see it.” Matthew 14:25-27 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. Its a ghost, they said, and cried out in fear. Jesus walked in the supernatural. He was operating in the spiritual first. When the disciples saw him, they had a choice. They could see with their natural eyes or with their spiritual eyes. Since they had been so used to depending on their humanness above the supernatural, they chose to see and react with their human eyes. So when they saw with their natural eyes, they still ended up trying to make it a spiritual thing by claiming it was a ghost. However that is counterfeit. The natural cannot make a thing spiritual. It is the spiritual things that transform the natural things of this world – like walking on the water. When we look at things only in the natural, we get a negative human emotion in return. They were fearful. But Jesus immediately said to them: Take courage! It is I. Dont be afraid. Immediately - instantly or at once - Jesus sought to change their thinking. They were reacting with a negative emotion. Jesus told them to “take” courage. In other words, decide to be brave. He used a positive truth to overcome the negative emotion. Steps to taking control of your emotions: 1. Take action. The very first thing Jesus told them to do involved an action. “Take courage”. When a negative emotion such as fear comes up, take action - immediately. 2. Trade in the negative for a positive. He told them to replace the negative with a positive. Jesus told them to exchange their fear for courage. 3. Don’t forget Who is in the middle of everything. Jesus made sure they knew Him: “It is I”. Jesus is always there – literally and spiritually. He’s in the middle of our worldly storms and in the middle of the supernatural things that are happening all around us. 4. Stand firm. Jesus told them, “Don’t be afraid.” Decide which emotion you are going to allow. If we know the truth and stand on it, we won’t be riding the roller coaster of emotions. We will always be stable and calm – even in the worst of storms. May you read this and finally get victory over your emotions. It is not God’s will for us to have unstable lives with no peace. This is what Jesus told us when He left this earth: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. That is His will for you – no troubled hearts or fear. Just His peace. ~Anne Schickowski *The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company. © Copyright Anne Schickowski, 2009 About the copyright: please feel free to share, repost or print a copy for yourself or friends as long as you retain and attribute it to the above copyright info and link back to either facebook/thewatchmanscall or thewatchmanscall Watch this beautiful message by Joyce Meyer on How to Walk in Peace - Pt 1 - Viewers Choice 2 On todays show, Joyce discusses how to develop peace with yourself and with God. It fits perfectly with this post by the Watchmanscall!!!! joycemeyer.org/BroadcastHome.aspx?video=How_to_Walk_in_Peace_-_Pt_1_-_Viewers_Choice_2 #InOrderForUsToMakeBetterHabitsAnywhereInOurLives #WeMustReplaceTheBadHabitsWithGoodHabits #AndWeCanNeverDoItInOurOwnStrength #ButOnlyWithTheHelpOfChrist If you havent already... plz check out my Broken Dolls page!!! Like and share if you feel blessed by it! Thank you and God bless! It is a project very near and dear to my heart... I created it to help anyone who has been broken in any area of life!!! Love you guys!!!
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 16:28:30 +0000

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