Righteous deeds for the muslim women to do: Dear Muslimah, - TopicsExpress


Righteous deeds for the muslim women to do: Dear Muslimah, Here are some of the righteous deeds which every muslimah can do, even if she is a homemaker, teacher, doctor or whatever may be her position. These are also good examples for the Dawah to Allah that should be practiced by muslim women. It is the right of every muslim women to invite people to Islam. The women from the earliest times of Islam called to Allah’s religion and involved in spreading Islam. So why not we invite people to Islam in order to gain reward from Allah as we work for the Hereafter. Insha Allah. Collect unused pages from the notebooks and bind them together using thick covers and distribute them to needy students. Form into a group of people, it may be 3 or 4. Collect small amount of money every month. Buy some Islamic books or books on the Islamic religion and distribute it to friends and relatives. Later on you can expand it by shipping them to various parts of the world. Form a group and start learning the Quran by heart and get in touch with each other to review what they learnt that day. During the weekend, try to recite those memorized verses to each other. If you are religious female doctor or if you work in hospital, give some advise and suggestions for the patients and be kind to them. Place some Islamic books on the women issues in the hospital reception. Visitors and patients who are waiting there might read those books and find it useful. Write articles in newspapers and magazines on women issues, dedicating those writings to increase faith and to spread Islam. Offering advice and giving ideas to the righteous people. Give Islamic lectures by using kind words and continue this good efforts for the sake of Allah. Dedicate some time and your energy for the cause of Dawah to Allah from home. Record some Islamic lectures in Arabic and in other languages, and distribute them to fellow sisters in Islam who seek religious knowledge. Every time when they listen and learn from it you get the reward. If you have some area around your house, plant some variety of vegetables and fruits and distribute them among to poor neighbors and relatives. Likewise, if you know to sew clothes, sew it for children and women. The money you earn through it, can be given in charity. Organize some Islamic lectures and sessions in your house. Invite neighbors and sisters in Islam to attend these lectures. After the completion of lecture, give away the books or Islamic tapes to those who attended. Advise other sisters in Islam about the significance of wearing Hijab. When you observe Hijab, you will be given respect as you respect yourself. Don’t spend in extravagance and indulge in wastefulness. Ask your female relatives, if they have extra clothes, kitchenware, shoes, sheets etc and collect some from your home too. And give away those to poor and needy people. If you are a teacher, then you have a significant role in raising young generation. So involve yourself in Dawah activities in school accompanied with other fellow teachers. Make your students to involve in those activities. That’s why the teacher should be Da’iyah (Caller to Allah), irrespective of what subject she teaches. When you are attending wedding party, then make use of it to give Dawah to those who attend it. Gifts have wonderful impact on people by spreading affection and kindness to them. Just as the Prophet (SAW) stated: “Give gifts, and you will love each other.” Give gifts to friends and relatives on festive occasions considering this as an act of charity and spreading knowledge. Whenever you are at the gathering, encourage other women to give charity, to fast voluntarily etc. And when they listen to your words and if they perform , you will be rewarded for this good act. Make Islamic Quotes and Dua’s using charts and paste it in Masjid or distribute it to schools. Spreading knowledge is act of charity and easy way to spread Islam. Use these righteous deeds which are offered here, if you have not done one. May Allah accept your righteous deeds from you , even a small deed you do for His cause. Ask Allah to grant you the Taqwa and bring delight to your eyes when you see Islam in high status!
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 11:37:06 +0000

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