Romanias Animal Police, ANSVSAs market stunt to counter their - TopicsExpress


Romanias Animal Police, ANSVSAs market stunt to counter their image loss Romania, globally criticised for its policy on Animal Rights, accused as non-compliant with international agreements, ignorant of international directives and ill-consistent with EU values, Romanian authorities have consistently defended such accusations. They point to the existence of Animal Welfare Laws which prescribe for prosecutions for animal abuse and conditions within animal shelters. They claim humane conditions in support of their ‘eradication’ of hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of stray animals under recently introduced Law 258/2013. Their latest initiative is to create an Animal Police and to facilitate this, have appointed a former animal welfare charity NGO coordinator to oversee the introduction and management of this new initiative. Responsible government or cosmetic facade? Codrut Feher (FNPA) presents some revealing and damning insights into the true morality and strategy of Romanian authorities. This is an essential article for those who wish to see the true reality of Romanias animal welfare programs.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 10:22:44 +0000

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