Rose Planting The first thing to consider when planting your - TopicsExpress


Rose Planting The first thing to consider when planting your rose bush is the location. There are several things that need to be considered. First and most obvious is you dont want to plant on the shady side of the house as roses need lots of direct sunlight. After you find a sun lit place the next thing you want to check is the soil. Is the soil healthy and nutritious for your roses? Roses have big appetites and are big eaters and need nutritious soil to feed on. But they are also fussy eaters and they dont like soil that is sandy or too clay-like either. So how do you figure this out? Take some soil and squeeze it into a clump. If it stubbornly holds its form without crumpling it is too much clay. If it wont hold its form or crumbles too easy it is too sandy. The soil should hold its form but not stubbornly so if you poke at it it should crumble. The soil should not be too acidic or have a lot of chalk or limestone. Its funny but rose plants are territorial and dont like mixing with other plants yet they dont mind being close to other roses plants. You know how they say birds of a feather flock together (like wise for fish and other animals) well its the same with roses. They like to flock with other roses. Hard to believe but true. So you dont put roses near trees or other big plants. Besides the roots of the bigger plants can extend into the rose plants roots system and take the water and nutrition needed by the rose. If you dig a hole for your rose plant and hit some roots consider planting elsewhere. Climbing roses arent so picky about being near other plants. You can even get a climbing rose to wrap itself around a big tree. Probably to the disgust of all the other roses (that sentence was just a joke couldnt resist). Now that you have the location you need to dig a hole that is a bigger then the size of pot your plant is in. The depth of the hole depends on the climate and it would be a good idea to talk to other rose growers in the area as to the best depth. But with colder areas you need to plant a little deeper. Its an excellent idea to put some compost in the bottom of the hole as it will make the soil more nutritious for your roses. Also sprinkle some bone meal into the hole it is slow acting and is a source of phosphorus which is good for the rose root system and encourages root growth. Spread out the roots and dump in some soil making sure it gets to the bottom and gets around the roots. Dont pack it down yet first water the roots while it is still lose. Add the rest of the soil and now you can pack it down. You can water again after packing. And now enjoy the most beautiful of all flowers. A rose is a breath taking gift to give to someone. Your rose plants will beautify your garden and your home. There is a lot more you can learn about growing beautiful roses and rose planting by hitting this link rose planting Authored by Russ Cooper
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:56:25 +0000

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