Russias In The Drivers Seat, But Chinas Buying The Car ... For - TopicsExpress


Russias In The Drivers Seat, But Chinas Buying The Car ... For while Russia does maintain a series of levers in the region -- cultural, economic, militaristic -- these levers will not remain in perpetuity. Indeed, these are levers that, in the end, have a far shorter shelf life than Putin would wish, or Russia will claim. But Russias regional hegemony comes with an expiration date due to the swell of its neighbor to the east. China doesnt yet dictate Central Asias direction and sway, but, gaming certain trends out, it seems but a matter of time before Russia is forced to fold its faltering cards. Central Asia, after all, presents the only amicable stretch of its border China currently maintains. The concerns around Chinas eastward squabbles are mirrored by the amity Beijing has found in its western neighbors. Tethered by parallel governing structures -- far closer to despotic mercantilism than maturing democracy -- China and Central Asia have grown steadily closer over the past decade, such that Beijing now dominates the trade turnover in the region far more than any other individual country, grabbing the title Russia once maintained. Please find the full article here:
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 00:40:06 +0000

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