SA MGA NAGTANONG PO PATUNGKOL SA LAST FAREWELL NI JPR.. E2 PO ANG ENGLISH VERSION NG 'MI ULTIMO ADIOS' NI DR JPR Farewell, my adored Land , region of the sun caressed , Pearl of the Orient Sea , our Eden lost ! To you I gladly surrender this melancholy life And were it brighter, fresher , more florid, Also for you the would still give for your sake. In fields of battle , deliriously fighting Others give you their lives, without doubt , without regret; The place matters , cypress , laurel or lily, Scaffold or open plain , combat or cruel martyrdom , The same if asked by home and country . I die when I see the sky is painted To herald the day behind a cloak of darkness ; If you need scarlet to tint your dawn , Pour my blood, pour it in good time And brown it a reflection of your nascent light . My dreams, when scarcely an adolescent , My dreams when young and full of vigor , Were to see you one day, jewel of the eastern seas Dark eyes dry , forehead high , Without frown, without wrinkles , without stains of shame . My lifelong dream , my deep burning desire , Health yells the soul that will soon depart ! Health ! Oh how beautiful to fall to give you flight , To die to give you life , to die under your sky , And in your enchanted land forever sleep . If upon my grave one day you see appear In the grassy sod, a humble flower, Near your lips and kiss my soul so , I may feel on my brow in the cold tomb The tenderness of your breath , the heat of your breath . Let the moon see me with soft, gentle light ; Let the dawn send its fleeting radiance , Let the wind moan with its low murmur , And if you descend and rest on my cross a bird Let the bird intone a song of peace. Let the burning sun the raindrops vaporize And turn pure heaven with my clamor behind , Let a friend mourn my early demise And in the serene afternoons, when someone prays for me Pray too, oh , my Motherland, rest to God Pray for all those who died, For all who suffered torments unequaled , For our poor mothers who in bitterness cry, For orphans and widows , for prisoners in torture And then for thyself that redemption thou mayst . And when the dark night wraps the graveyard With only the dead remain in vigil, Do not disturb their rest, nor the mystery Should you hear chords from a zither or psaltery, It is I , dear Country , I thee I sing . And when my grave by all Not a cross nor stone to mark its place , Let it be plowed by man , the spread with spade And before my ashes return to nothing , Dust off your carpet May they be . Then nothing matters, cast me in oblivion , Your atmosphere , your space, your valleys sweep; I will be vibrant and clear note to your ears Aroma , light, hues, murmur , song, moanings deep Constantly repeating the essence of my faith . My idolized country , sorrow of my sorrows, Dear Philippines , hear the last goodbye . There I leave you all, my parents , my loves. I go where there are no slaves , hangmen nor oppressors , Where faith does not kill, where the one who reigns is God. Farewell, parents , brothers, of my soul, Childhood friends , in the home , Give thanks that I rest from the wearisome day ; Farewell, sweet foreing , my friend, my joy , Farewell, loved ones die is to rest .
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 20:11:47 +0000

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