SAT word of the day: Esoteric - Something that is understood - TopicsExpress


SAT word of the day: Esoteric - Something that is understood only by a specialized group of people. It refers to something that is hard to understand. Understood only by a limited number of people. The word esoteric itself is esoteric! Example: Metaphysics is an esoteric subject which most people are content to let philosophers deal with. The esoteric doctrines of The Theosophical Society fascinated the minds of young Indians of that time. The word has a few synonyms - abstruse, recondite and arcane. The abstruse mathematics of Ramanujam perplexed the minds of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. Gurdjeff and Ouspensky are know for their exposition of recondite subjects in the domain of Spirituality, far beyond the comprehension of ordinary men and women. The students were initiated into the mysteries of the cosmos through arcane rituals which were incomprehensible to those who were not part of the Mystery Cult. By the way, the opposite of esoteric is exoteric, that is something that can be understood or imparted to the public.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 16:44:52 +0000

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