SECRETS OF RUSSIA . TRUTH AND LIES . 15 biggest myths of Russian - TopicsExpress


SECRETS OF RUSSIA . TRUTH AND LIES . 15 biggest myths of Russian history MYTH 1. RUSSIA - All the people in the name and call themselves . Changing the names of countries and peoples are quite often. But why Russia took take his foreign name ? This paradox, which is rare. After all, it would be strange if the Germans suddenly began to call themselves not «Deutsche», and he would take the name «Allemand» ie as they are called French neighbors . But in the case of Russia it is considered normal . Why ? Yes, because that is simply good . It still could be understood if we assume a certain period of the Greeks who called Russ Russ , opened it for Europe and the world, ie all other nations may know exactly how Russ Russ from the Greeks - it would be understandable. But not so. Peter King in the 18th century Muscovy takes for overseas Russsiya name , which was not used for hundreds of years , and to the lands of Moscow have never been used , and calls them the country. Why? The answer is simple . To Muscovy Rus began to consider , for the tradition of antiquity Moscow kingdom , and that is more important to create a framework of policies mythical gathering lands of Rus - and in fact outright war of conquest , enslavement and looting of neighboring nations. Thats why Peter and renamed Rus - Ruska primordial Earth , in what that Great Russia and Little Russia , which no one ever called for more than 400 years. Why Peter I was after the conquest of Russia - taking of Kyiv took Greek names , no need to explain to anyone - in the Middle Ages and was Russ was Muscovy, and when Peter became Great Russia and Little Russia , ie as if Russia has not disappeared , and appeared in a new capacity . Historic same basis invented later. MYTH 2 Battle of Kulikovo - This is the myth of the liberation of the Russian Mongol-Tatar yoke . However , Moscow principality stop paying tribute and acquire real independence only after the collapse of the Horde and bursting with khanates . And this will happen only in the 16th century that After a few hundred years . MYTH 3 KIEV MOTHER RUSSIAN CITIES - as well as many other historical stamps is a myth which is of central importance in the emerging Russian mythical stories . Even if we assume that Oleg said these words , then nothing to Muscovy and especially to modern Russia they have not. In those days there was neither the first nor the second . Russ was . A major territories of Russia in those days were the lands of modern Belarus and Ukraine. Even Novgorod and Suzdal included in understanding Russia , only in a very broad sense . MYTH 4 HISTORY OF RUSSIA - despite the fact that in the 18-19 century , historians hard court created and written history of the new Russia , in the flesh to 1946, there was no history of academic consensus that the history of Russia begins exactly in Kiev. Karamzin , writer novelist, Tatar nationality ( of the genus Kara Murza ) , wrote the first officially a new version of the history of Russia . Tatishchev was different , but Tatischevskogo archives disappeared almost without a trace. Rewriting history , the old version to be sure to destroy it. What did .... Many historians have taken the view that the history of Russia begins with 13-14 century with the formation of the Moscow principality and later at 14-15 Russian nationality. And it is historically correct and fair. But in this case , there is another historical basis and according to the party leadership , bad foundation , especially in the context of increased national self-determination in Ukraine and Belarus. The question arises - what happened to 70% of the territory of modern Russia appeared before the Moscow principality ? Mysteries murky . In the Soviet school not taught. Not taught in Russian and now. But why? Dostochno myth Karamzin. Taught the same myths of imperial and Soviet . Why there is no real history of most areas that indigenous peoples and the modern Russia the Russian people ? There are many choices of Russian history , but its the story of kings and empires , but the true history of the Russian people do not ! The real history and culture of peoples of Russia reduced the level of the local folklore . Why the history of the Urals and Trans , Siberia , Altai and the Far East Russian students learn exactly with the period of the conquest Ermakov , Dezhneva etc.? And before that there was nothing and no one was there ? Russian was not - so do not be! ? Yes, because there is no place in the history of Russia nothing non-Russian no place real history of the people who have and this is the Russian today. As there was no place real Ukrainian and Belarusian history , culture and language of the peoples of Central Asia in tsarist Russia and the USSR. And if that was mentioned , either in the diminutive value , or only on the role of natives of these peoples in the Russian state , which immediately hastened to declare or make Russian . However, these immigrants had no right to write in their own language or to learn , and often even called by the name of his people. Gogol , traveling through Europe and staying in one of the guesthouses , when filling in the nationality column , personally wrote in French «ukrainien». Hardly great spisatel could afford it in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Such audacity he would not be forgiven . This is a great example of what was internal politics in tsarist Russia and felt that Gogol himself . No wonder the slogan Russia - the prison of nations was known throughout Europe. Yes, today the Kuban in some schools , and then electives , teaching Ukrainian language , but he studied there as a local balachka ie not even a dialect of the Ukrainian language, but as a misunderstanding. Mention of the Ukrainian language - a taboo . Why Russian schoolboy - Bashkir or Tatar, whose people is not less but more ancient history , culture, writing, literature than Russian should teach in school history of their country as originating from the creation of Kievan Rus? This is not their story, and not the history of Karelia , Mary , etc. which is actually erased from the ethnic map in favor of education called Russia . Yes, in Tatarstan and other regions of Russia are studying the history of his native land - but it is a level of ethnographic circles, and not explore the real history of his people . The real story of these people are trying to replace a large and heavily swollen for the last 300 years, Great Russian myth . Has actually changed. MYTH 5 Old Russian and Moscow Russia - a term introduced in actively in 19-20 . That Russia thus tries to show the continuity and antiquity of its history is clear, but something more interesting . As these princes can be considered old Russian if the word Russian they did not know ! ? And then there was no such word . The word of Russia and Ruthenian - but in Russia relationship to the territory of modern Russia it was not exactly . Russian philologist and Dahl emphasized repeatedly insisted that the word Russian to spell with one s - Ruthenian , this word is derived from Rus . Securing the same name of the country as a Russian people as Russian , and citizens as Russians - only underscores the artificiality of these names and concepts. And the appearance of modern circulation title Russian-speaking ie separate cultural and linguistic unity is actually a kind of national recognition appearance indistinguishable mass , which is the result of a Soviet Russification of the peoples of the former USSR . Would be very surprised Prince of Kiev , if suddenly learned that a thousand years later , the state located thousands of miles away , will consider them only their Russian ancient ancestors , and the people , culture and language of modern Ukraine on whose land those same Kievan princes lived and who were themselves - such as historical misunderstanding . No comments. But this whole story is built on Russian ! In fact, it is a historical misunderstanding Russia - for there is no other country in the world where so many mixed cultures and peoples , and its history is so artificial, far-fetched and untrue , first created for the sake of policy czarist empire , and later for the sake of ideology, the Soviet empire . MYTH 6 Lay (and other written records ) - the document was found under mysterious circumstances , but paradoxically , as could be lost as an important historical document? Even more interesting is the fact that a copy of which remained written in the 18th century , ie precisely at the time when kings Moscow strenuously wrote and created the history of the Russian state . The text that exists today is adapted and sleek copy of the 18-19 centuries . , Which stubbornly issue for original and ancient example of ancient language . Exactly taught in Russian schools. MYTH 7 COLLECTED EARTH RUSSIA UKRAINE - from Xiang to Don - and so demanded Vinnychenko Grushevskii , the interim government of Kerensky, secure borders Ukrainian lands - namely by ethno- geografichekomu principle. But it was impossible because there was a question : Where, then, the actual historical ethno- geographical Russian land ? And the answer to this voppros not exist. Very often you can hear another myth that Russia gathered for Ukraine Ukrainian land . It is also possible extent. Over the same should be grateful Ukraine ? For what gave the Poles and Kholmshchyna Pidliashshia ? Or that disappeared millions of Ukrainians Kursk, Voronezh , Kuban Ryazanschine , Kurschiny , part of Smolensk , Bryansk . Orel ? These territories had a large Ukrainian naseline . According to the census in Russia in 1926 on these lands were more than 2.2 million ethnic Ukrainians . But already in 1939 mentioned only thousands . Yes, what can I say - the process is today: the 1989 census in Russia - 4.3 million Ukrainians , the 2001 census is 2.4 million Ukrainians Thats so .... MYTH 8 UKRAINE - Outskirts , And a word coined in the 19th century . - If you follow the logic , the police did not happen from the Greek word , and from slovoschetaniya cute face and Russia from the word broadcast ? However, here as soon from the opera - who you want, and then he hears ..... dostochno open 16-19 century European maps to see what the word Ukraine as a designation of the land and the country has long been known in Europe. Read Boplana example (I can trust him ) who in the 17th century . he was on the Ukrainian land and named it on his map only as Ukraine - the land of the Cossacks . because so myself and sovyu ground and called the people of Ukraine long before the Boplana in Ukraine 17 . And naobrot same European maps depict the 16-19 century Muscovy as part of the Great Tartary . These are the facts with which to argue difficult .... MYTH 9 Old Russian epic - a myth that this epic 11-13 centuries allegedly recorded in the central and northern part of European Russia . Lets start with the fact that in the northern part of Russia, even in the 15-16 century , few people spoke understandable Russian language , there lived very different peoples . In fact, they are all written and recorded in the 18-19 century , and adapted for mass popular reading on the averaged Great Russian dialect. An interesting example is the true Russian fairy tale The Gingerbread Man - in Russian language , even the word colony , but there are in Ukrainian and Ruthenian , means circle , and only in this case, once it becomes clear very character of this tale. Interesting and Pushkin . Ruslan Pushkin - a Russian (!) Knight . With the same success Russian Knight could not bear the name of Aslan or Nursultan . And it would not cause problems in Pushkins contemporaries . This is no doubt in Pushkin , this is normal , he is talking specifically about Russian (! ) Center . And its true - that these were often the ones called Russian Knights in Moscow principality . Minenbaevu Kirill (Cyril Minin ) with Pozharsky monument stands as a true Russian identity . MYTH 10 REUNION OF UKRAINE AND RUSSIA - as could be lost contract - a document of great importance so ? Only the copy. Well, when there is no original, even a child can understand that - it is possible to tell any tales and create alternate legends and myths about the reunification . No reunion nebilo was Gov. and religious association . A later amendment Muscovy all terms just simply seized power . MYTH 11 VOLGA - RUSSIAN RIVER - is historically Volga Tatar khanate and the birthplace of the Volga Bulgars had their own state , long before the emergence of Moscow and the formation of a so-called Russian . The final conquest of the Volga region occurs only in 18-19 . At the same time , and today 60% of the Volga is the moon-faced population , ie with obviously Ruska slit eyes and in most Muslim. MYTH 12 RUSSIAN AND RUSSIAN - I wonder who of Mary Vesey , Mordovians , Vepsians , Komi, Udmurt, Perm , Meshchora , Chud and other peoples who inhabited most of Russia in the Middle Ages , considered himself or spoke Russian in Russian ? Nobody . Can repeatedly forcibly baptized Tatars of Kazan, Volga region, Siberia was Russian ? Neither. So where is native Russian land , where their native Russian territory? Where kaknonicheskaya Russia ? It is not. These lands lie around Moscow ? Possible. Russia all scientists and Leontiev Zhirinovsky called and Ukraine and Belarus , but believe and Komi and Buryatia and Yakutia Russia too . Paradox? It turns out that Russia is not. And where exactly is she herself Russia ? Where is her Russian heart so to speak ? Where is her ethno -geographic homeland ? In Kiev ? Funny ...... and sad at the same time , because it is not true. Why can not show on the map , where is the actual primordial Russian ethno-cultural land ? Because there is no such land . Perhaps someone will say that Novgorod , Suzdal , Rostov gave life Muscovy and Russia that after Kiev and there moved Rus . But its frank lies and myth created imperial historians in the 19th century . Novgorod and Suzdal only become part of Muscovy under Ivan the Terrible after ragroma and looting . And before that , they were considered separate principalities , with their lifestyles , specific language , culture and mentality which differed from Moscow . And if we ignore all this Great Russian chauvinistic nonsense. Lets see who is really right and where he lived and on what ground? What do you get ? And thats what happens . 1. Meria , whole , Murom , Vepsians etc. not Russia - where these people lived in 8-10 century , there lived in the 12-14 , but they are no longer there today because they are all in the 15-16 century and later Russian steel. 2 . Kryvičy , Dregoviches , Sivertsev , glade - Russ later these lands Ruska - Ruthenian people , Ruthenian language , called themselves Rusyns and where lived in 9-10 century THERE AND LIVE TODAY in the 21st century - and today called Ukrainians and Belarusians . Novgorod and Suzdal were captured and almost destroyed, liberty and order existed in them were banned by special decrees of the Moscow princes. And merchants know or simply killed or forced to move to Moscow . Wild Muscovy formed by fire and sword , lived wars. War and were the same meat grinder that digest small nations and created a new nation , the Moscow- Russian . In other words, Russian people - is a carrier Russian culture and invented stories , formed in the 15-17 century and artificially sistematizirvoannoy thanks to the policy of Peter I and later in the 18-19 century through the activities of men of Russian science and culture , and later under Soviet rule due to correct the formation of the USSR. In the USSR, all were known educational boarding schools in Central Asia and Siberia . Children were taken from their families for many months. Away from home, under the guise of free and compulsory (!) Conducted regular education Russification . Children lost their language, culture , skills, crafts, farming their ancestors broke away from the traditional way of life - so under the good sign affordable education was destroyed identity of many peoples of Russia. The sad fate and the fate of the peoples of the North and Siberia known to all - the almost universal drunkenness , the disappearance of identity, traditional crafts and traditional way of life change . Whats next? Extinction or complete Russification . Writing Tatars , Chuvash, Kalmyks ? We were taught in school that this was never a Russian taught them to read and write . Almost .... Only the first Russian selected these peoples own diploma on the basis of the Arabic script , then in the 1920s were forced to write in Latin , well then, in the 1930s -40s were transferred smoothly to Cyrillic . It is clear that their historical heritage as it was not them .... because it is written differently. Russia has long been a Russian is a person who has a native (first) language - Russian . ie Russian and Russian-speaking - the concept of equivalent . Russian today are very many Tatars , Udmurt, Bashkir, Chuvash , Kolmykov , Yakuts , Buryats , etc. who were forcibly baptized , starting from the times of Ivan the Terrible , Peter Stolypin 1 and up . The whole system of education and socio- political structure has also worked on the appearance of the Russian of those peoples who are not even Slavs . Today it is difficult to say how many Russian in Russia are the Slavs by origin. Obviously minority, less than 50% . Official statistics do not reflect this reality. In this regard, it is interesting statements by politicians and even the president of Russia to protect the rights of the Russian in neighboring countries. Is not it? And in fact it is a new version of the old myth of the gathering of Russian lands . etc. etc. SECRETS OF RUSSIA . TRUTH AND LIES . 15 biggest myths of Russian history MYTH 1. RUSSIA - All the people in the name and call themselves . Changing the names of countries and peoples are quite often. But why Russia took take his foreign name ? This paradox, which is rare. After all, it would be strange if the Germans suddenly began to call themselves not «Deutsche», and he would take the name «Allemand» ie as they are called French neighbors . But in the case of Russia it is considered normal . Why ? Yes, because that is simply good . It still could be understood if we assume a certain period of the Greeks who called Russ Russ , opened it for Europe and the world, ie all other nations may know exactly how Russ Russ from the Greeks - it would be understandable. But not so. Peter King in the 18th century Muscovy takes for overseas Russsiya name , which was not used for hundreds of years , and to the lands of Moscow have never been used , and calls them the country. Why? The answer is simple . To Muscovy Rus began to consider , for the tradition of antiquity Moscow kingdom , and that is more important to create a framework of policies mythical gathering lands of Rus - and in fact outright war of conquest , enslavement and looting of neighboring nations. Thats why Peter and renamed Rus - Ruska primordial Earth , in what that Great Russia and Little Russia , which no one ever called for more than 400 years. Why Peter I was after the conquest of Russia - taking of Kyiv took Greek names , no need to explain to anyone - in the Middle Ages and was Russ was Muscovy, and when Peter became Great Russia and Little Russia , ie as if Russia has not disappeared , and appeared in a new capacity . Historic same basis invented later. MYTH 2 Battle of Kulikovo - This is the myth of the liberation of the Russian Mongol-Tatar yoke . However , Moscow principality stop paying tribute and acquire real independence only after the collapse of the Horde and bursting with khanates . And this will happen only in the 16th century that After a few hundred years . MYTH 3 KIEV MOTHER RUSSIAN CITIES - as well as many other historical stamps is a myth which is of central importance in the emerging Russian mythical stories . Even if we assume that Oleg said these words , then nothing to Muscovy and especially to modern Russia they have not. In those days there was neither the first nor the second . Russ was . A major territories of Russia in those days were the lands of modern Belarus and Ukraine. Even Novgorod and Suzdal included in understanding Russia , only in a very broad sense . MYTH 4 HISTORY OF RUSSIA - despite the fact that in the 18-19 century , historians hard court created and written history of the new Russia , in the flesh to 1946, there was no history of academic consensus that the history of Russia begins exactly in Kiev. Karamzin , writer novelist, Tatar nationality ( of the genus Kara Murza ) , wrote the first officially a new version of the history of Russia . Tatishchev was different , but Tatischevskogo archives disappeared almost without a trace. Rewriting history , the old version to be sure to destroy it. What did .... Many historians have taken the view that the history of Russia begins with 13-14 century with the formation of the Moscow principality and later at 14-15 Russian nationality. And it is historically correct and fair. But in this case , there is another historical basis and according to the party leadership , bad foundation , especially in the context of increased national self-determination in Ukraine and Belarus. The question arises - what happened to 70% of the territory of modern Russia appeared before the Moscow principality ? Mysteries murky . In the Soviet school not taught. Not taught in Russian and now. But why? Dostochno myth Karamzin. Taught the same myths of imperial and Soviet . Why there is no real history of most areas that indigenous peoples and the modern Russia the Russian people ? There are many choices of Russian history , but its the story of kings and empires , but the true history of the Russian people do not ! The real history and culture of peoples of Russia reduced the level of the local folklore . Why the history of the Urals and Trans , Siberia , Altai and the Far East Russian students learn exactly with the period of the conquest Ermakov , Dezhneva etc.? And before that there was nothing and no one was there ? Russian was not - so do not be! ? Yes, because there is no place in the history of Russia nothing non-Russian no place real history of the people who have and this is the Russian today. As there was no place real Ukrainian and Belarusian history , culture and language of the peoples of Central Asia in tsarist Russia and the USSR. And if that was mentioned , either in the diminutive value , or only on the role of natives of these peoples in the Russian state , which immediately hastened to declare or make Russian . However, these immigrants had no right to write in their own language or to learn , and often even called by the name of his people. Gogol , traveling through Europe and staying in one of the guesthouses , when filling in the nationality column , personally wrote in French «ukrainien». Hardly great spisatel could afford it in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Such audacity he would not be forgiven . This is a great example of what was internal politics in tsarist Russia and felt that Gogol himself . No wonder the slogan Russia - the prison of nations was known throughout Europe. Yes, today the Kuban in some schools , and then electives , teaching Ukrainian language , but he studied there as a local balachka ie not even a dialect of the Ukrainian language, but as a misunderstanding. Mention of the Ukrainian language - a taboo . Why Russian schoolboy - Bashkir or Tatar, whose people is not less but more ancient history , culture, writing, literature than Russian should teach in school history of their country as originating from the creation of Kievan Rus? This is not their story, and not the history of Karelia , Mary , etc. which is actually erased from the ethnic map in favor of education called Russia . Yes, in Tatarstan and other regions of Russia are studying the history of his native land - but it is a level of ethnographic circles, and not explore the real history of his people . The real story of these people are trying to replace a large and heavily swollen for the last 300 years, Great Russian myth . Has actually changed. MYTH 5 Old Russian and Moscow Russia - a term introduced in actively in 19-20 . That Russia thus tries to show the continuity and antiquity of its history is clear, but something more interesting . As these princes can be considered old Russian if the word Russian they did not know ! ? And then there was no such word . The word of Russia and Ruthenian - but in Russia relationship to the territory of modern Russia it was not exactly . Russian philologist and Dahl emphasized repeatedly insisted that the word Russian to spell with one s - Ruthenian , this word is derived from Rus . Securing the same name of the country as a Russian people as Russian , and citizens as Russians - only underscores the artificiality of these names and concepts. And the appearance of modern circulation title Russian-speaking ie separate cultural and linguistic unity is actually a kind of national recognition appearance indistinguishable mass , which is the result of a Soviet Russification of the peoples of the former USSR . Would be very surprised Prince of Kiev , if suddenly learned that a thousand years later , the state located thousands of miles away , will consider them only their Russian ancient ancestors , and the people , culture and language of modern Ukraine on whose land those same Kievan princes lived and who were themselves - such as historical misunderstanding . No comments. But this whole story is built on Russian ! In fact, it is a historical misunderstanding Russia - for there is no other country in the world where so many mixed cultures and peoples , and its history is so artificial, far-fetched and untrue , first created for the sake of policy czarist empire , and later for the sake of ideology, the Soviet empire . MYTH 6 Lay (and other written records ) - the document was found under mysterious circumstances , but paradoxically , as could be lost as an important historical document? Even more interesting is the fact that a copy of which remained written in the 18th century , ie precisely at the time when kings Moscow strenuously wrote and created the history of the Russian state . The text that exists today is adapted and sleek copy of the 18-19 centuries . , Which stubbornly issue for original and ancient example of ancient language . Exactly taught in Russian schools. MYTH 7 COLLECTED EARTH RUSSIA UKRAINE - from Xiang to Don - and so demanded Vinnychenko Grushevskii , the interim government of Kerensky, secure borders Ukrainian lands - namely by ethno- geografichekomu principle. But it was impossible because there was a question : Where, then, the actual historical ethno- geographical Russian land ? And the answer to this voppros not exist. Very often you can hear another myth that Russia gathered for Ukraine Ukrainian land . It is also possible extent. Over the same should be grateful Ukraine ? For what gave the Poles and Kholmshchyna Pidliashshia ? Or that disappeared millions of Ukrainians Kursk, Voronezh , Kuban Ryazanschine , Kurschiny , part of Smolensk , Bryansk . Orel ? These territories had a large Ukrainian naseline . According to the census in Russia in 1926 on these lands were more than 2.2 million ethnic Ukrainians . But already in 1939 mentioned only thousands . Yes, what can I say - the process is today: the 1989 census in Russia - 4.3 million Ukrainians , the 2001 census is 2.4 million Ukrainians Thats so .... MYTH 8 UKRAINE - Outskirts , And a word coined in the 19th century . - If you follow the logic , the police did not happen from the Greek word , and from slovoschetaniya cute face and Russia from the word broadcast ? However, here as soon from the opera - who you want, and then he hears ..... dostochno open 16-19 century European maps to see what the word Ukraine as a designation of the land and the country has long been known in Europe. Read Boplana example (I can trust him ) who in the 17th century . he was on the Ukrainian land and named it on his map only as Ukraine - the land of the Cossacks . because so myself and sovyu ground and called the people of Ukraine long before the Boplana in Ukraine 17 . And naobrot same European maps depict the 16-19 century Muscovy as part of the Great Tartary . These are the facts with which to argue difficult .... MYTH 9 Old Russian epic - a myth that this epic 11-13 centuries allegedly recorded in the central and northern part of European Russia . Lets start with the fact that in the northern part of Russia, even in the 15-16 century , few people spoke understandable Russian language , there lived very different peoples . In fact, they are all written and recorded in the 18-19 century , and adapted for mass popular reading on the averaged Great Russian dialect. An interesting example is the true Russian fairy tale The Gingerbread Man - in Russian language , even the word colony , but there are in Ukrainian and Ruthenian , means circle , and only in this case, once it becomes clear very character of this tale. Interesting and Pushkin . Ruslan Pushkin - a Russian (!) Knight . With the same success Russian Knight could not bear the name of Aslan or Nursultan . And it would not cause problems in Pushkins contemporaries . This is no doubt in Pushkin , this is normal , he is talking specifically about Russian (! ) Center . And its true - that these were often the ones called Russian Knights in Moscow principality . Minenbaevu Kirill (Cyril Minin ) with Pozharsky monument stands as a true Russian identity . MYTH 10 REUNION OF UKRAINE AND RUSSIA - as could be lost contract - a document of great importance so ? Only the copy. Well, when there is no original, even a child can understand that - it is possible to tell any tales and create alternate legends and myths about the reunification . No reunion nebilo was Gov. and religious association . A later amendment Muscovy all terms just simply seized power . MYTH 11 VOLGA - RUSSIAN RIVER - is historically Volga Tatar khanate and the birthplace of the Volga Bulgars had their own state , long before the emergence of Moscow and the formation of a so-called Russian . The final conquest of the Volga region occurs only in 18-19 . At the same time , and today 60% of the Volga is the moon-faced population , ie with obviously Ruska slit eyes and in most Muslim. MYTH 12 RUSSIAN AND RUSSIAN - I wonder who of Mary Vesey , Mordovians , Vepsians , Komi, Udmurt, Perm , Meshchora , Chud and other peoples who inhabited most of Russia in the Middle Ages , considered himself or spoke Russian in Russian ? Nobody . Can repeatedly forcibly baptized Tatars of Kazan, Volga region, Siberia was Russian ? Neither. So where is native Russian land , where their native Russian territory? Where kaknonicheskaya Russia ? It is not. These lands lie around Moscow ? Possible. Russia all scientists and Leontiev Zhirinovsky called and Ukraine and Belarus , but believe and Komi and Buryatia and Yakutia Russia too . Paradox? It turns out that Russia is not. And where exactly is she herself Russia ? Where is her Russian heart so to speak ? Where is her ethno -geographic homeland ? In Kiev ? Funny ...... and sad at the same time , because it is not true. Why can not show on the map , where is the actual primordial Russian ethno-cultural land ? Because there is no such land . Perhaps someone will say that Novgorod , Suzdal , Rostov gave life Muscovy and Russia that after Kiev and there moved Rus . But its frank lies and myth created imperial historians in the 19th century . Novgorod and Suzdal only become part of Muscovy under Ivan the Terrible after ragroma and looting . And before that , they were considered separate principalities , with their lifestyles , specific language , culture and mentality which differed from Moscow . And if we ignore all this Great Russian chauvinistic nonsense. Lets see who is really right and where he lived and on what ground? What do you get ? And thats what happens . 1. Meria , whole , Murom , Vepsians etc. not Russia - where these people lived in 8-10 century , there lived in the 12-14 , but they are no longer there today because they are all in the 15-16 century and later Russian steel. 2 . Kryvičy , Dregoviches , Sivertsev , glade - Russ later these lands Ruska - Ruthenian people , Ruthenian language , called themselves Rusyns and where lived in 9-10 century THERE AND LIVE TODAY in the 21st century - and today called Ukrainians and Belarusians . Novgorod and Suzdal were captured and almost destroyed, liberty and order existed in them were banned by special decrees of the Moscow princes. And merchants know or simply killed or forced to move to Moscow . Wild Muscovy formed by fire and sword , lived wars. War and were the same meat grinder that digest small nations and created a new nation , the Moscow- Russian . In other words, Russian people - is a carrier Russian culture and invented stories , formed in the 15-17 century and artificially sistematizirvoannoy thanks to the policy of Peter I and later in the 18-19 century through the activities of men of Russian science and culture , and later under Soviet rule due to correct the formation of the USSR. In the USSR, all were known educational boarding schools in Central Asia and Siberia . Children were taken from their families for many months. Away from home, under the guise of free and compulsory (!) Conducted regular education Russification . Children lost their language, culture , skills, crafts, farming their ancestors broke away from the traditional way of life - so under the good sign affordable education was destroyed identity of many peoples of Russia. The sad fate and the fate of the peoples of the North and Siberia known to all - the almost universal drunkenness , the disappearance of identity, traditional crafts and traditional way of life change . Whats next? Extinction or complete Russification . Writing Tatars , Chuvash, Kalmyks ? We were taught in school that this was never a Russian taught them to read and write . Almost .... Only the first Russian selected these peoples own diploma on the basis of the Arabic script , then in the 1920s were forced to write in Latin , well then, in the 1930s -40s were transferred smoothly to Cyrillic . It is clear that their historical heritage as it was not them .... because it is written differently. Russia has long been a Russian is a person who has a native (first) language - Russian . ie Russian and Russian-speaking - the concept of equivalent . Russian today are very many Tatars , Udmurt, Bashkir, Chuvash , Kolmykov , Yakuts , Buryats , etc. who were forcibly baptized , starting from the times of Ivan the Terrible , Peter Stolypin 1 and up . The whole system of education and socio- political structure has also worked on the appearance of the Russian of those peoples who are not even Slavs . Today it is difficult to say how many Russian in Russia are the Slavs by origin. Obviously minority, less than 50% . Official statistics do not reflect this reality. In this regard, it is interesting statements by politicians and even the president of Russia to protect the rights of the Russian in neighboring countries. Is not it? And in fact it is a new version of the old myth of the gathering of Russian lands . etc. etc. Nothing. Its nothing.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 21:40:00 +0000

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