SELFLESS SERVICE: In the military world “Selfless service is - TopicsExpress


SELFLESS SERVICE: In the military world “Selfless service is defined as putting the needs and goals of the nation, the Military, your unit and your soldier ahead of your personal needs and interest” While in school my social ethics teacher taught us that the greatest inheritance one can bestow upon his children is a great name. Definitely with a great name such as Kenyatta,Kibaki,Oginga Odinga,Tom Mboya, Chandaria,Muhuni and others you have an early head start in life, and you will walk with your head held up high. In life we work hard to acquire wealth and give our children a good life and as long as they don’t misuse it or become complacent they will be okay. But money I have discovered is not everything; it can bring untold misery and break your family apart when you are gone. As parents we have to instill the right kind of values in our children such as respect, kindness, honesty, courage, perseverance, self-discipline, compassion, generosity, dependability. Doing so will protect them from potentially negative societal influences and lay the foundation for them to become good citizens. Were not fulfilling our responsibilities as parents if we dont try to instill solid morals in our children. One of the most important things you can do is set a good example for your children. If you want your children to exhibit values like honesty, self-respect and compassion, then you need to show these qualities yourself. All the teaching in the world can be undone if your children watch you behave in ways that contradict what youve said. But family matters aside, like my culture says the greatest wealth is the people. Without the people you cannot have a market to generate wealth. People have to be empowered to create wealth. That is what Alfred Mutua is trying to do in Machakos. This now brings me to one very rich man JOHNSTONE MUTHAMA. I believe he is one of the wealthiest men in Machakos County if not Kenya. He has enough money for his children to live comfortably for 100yrs or more. My question is when he tells someone to kneel before him who does he think he is?. Why would he want to cut deals with money meant for the poor men, women and children of Machakos. Why? For the filthy rich, I thought politics should be about serving the poor selfless as a way of giving back to society. Why do some rich men in our society like Muthama then want to milk the poor dry? What other greater purpose in life can one have after becoming super rich? Some people join politics to cut deals and make big money at the expense of the nation. No wonder Kenya loses a third of its budget to corruption and deal making schemes. We shall not get anywhere. We shall continue being attacked by terrorists simply because we are greedy. We have no sense of patriotism. We are a society thriving on chaos and thievery. Kenya is therefore in urgent need of selfless leaders who don’t mind about the salary but serving Kenyans with a selfless heart. “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you cant help them, at least dont hurt them.” ― Dalai Lama XIV
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 16:33:04 +0000

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