SEN. GEORGE AKUME THE FATHER THAT LISTENS: DAD, AS YOU READ KINDLY SHARE WITH PRE. GOODLUCK JONATHAN Dear Father, our anticipation for an egalitarian nation seems to be illusive and my anxiety about this great nation Nigeria has reached a level that even anaesthetic drug could be of no help. It saddens my heart each time our great nation survival is threatened by non creative minds, who scramble for positions in it territory. The temerity in which this absurdity is conveyed is surprising. My curiosity about Nigeria and Benue has increased much more than ever. Father, my position in the family might be that of a prodigy son but my critical opinion or adventure should not be mistaken for mischief rather, that of a radicalized child. I always remember this advice you gave to us on one of the morning preparation to Abuja as we were having breakfast together “you stated in clear terms, that we should not disrespect elders, the struggle to liberate BENUE STATE was not a call to insult elders eventhough, they were arrogant partners of suswam’s draconian and corrupt project which many Benue people can attest to, you cited the Bible where God punish the children of Israel for disobedience. Dear father, here I am, to seek your prayers so that I could profit from your knowledge and wisdom, so that I can overcome my apprehension of the Nation that makes me recalcitrant. However, please permit me to express this observation. Sen. George Akume is not just an authority on mobilizing people in politics but remains one of the most foremost names in contemporary national politics as he emphatically opposed third term agenda and charismatically led the people to its defeat. Resuscitating our nascent democracy against the undemocratic tyranny of “Die in power” attitude of African leaders, which almost cost his political career. Most profiteers of this democratic profligacy were third term disciples, he still toll the path of greater good for the greater number of people where justice and democratic tenets prevailed. In retrospect, Goodluck Jonathan was plucked from obscurity and made president his antecedents and manifestoes were never scrutinized by the Nigerian people rather minority marginalization and religious bigotry supersede all other considerations. The 2011 presidential acclaimed free and fair election was a sympathetic solidarity in which deliberate silence over multiple voting were ignored and other irregularities were condoned, I think it was an endorsement for a minority leading this great country. A close look at the president, speaks volume of his humility and desire to make a difference but his hijackers have made the government undesirable and much more worse than ever; as a stakeholder, Sen. George Akume has continued to play an inclusive politics of a Pan-Nigerian, sometimes making tough decision in the spirit of unity. Whereas, the subterfuge puppet presidency which is an epitome of deceit and blood letting with its obnoxious fascists whose survival is dependent on subsidy diversion, propaganda and looting, their long habitation of the creeks deny them patriotic zeal, they know nothing about governance or nationhood rather, patronage and animosity characterized by an obsessed ideology of hate. These cynic scavengers and their obsequious collaborator in the North thought they could have the Senator’s hands dirty with the politics of ethnicity, bigotry and division not knowing that the Senator believed in the total overhaul of the Nigerian state for the good of the entire people of this great nation. North and South, Christians and Muslims may have different views of culture and religion but the problems that affect us as a people are the same, therefore, we must work together to overcome and not to escalate them. These blood suckers coined a phrase “Born to rule” to offensively assault our collective sensibilities and geographical area targeting those who expose fraud in government as ruling oligarchs and killing the most vulnerable people predominately women and children of the poorest of the poor in disguise of war on terror, which has left the citizens much worst than ever while those figured in the activities of terrorism have become more powerful and happier than ever. Dear Father, Sen. George Akume, I salute your patriotic commitment, steadfastness and refusal to be a pawn on the chessboard of the ruling party and all its hateful ideology of bigotry, fanatism and division but rather having faith in the unity of this great nation. Though you paid a heavy price as your party and Benue people mandate was stolen and the compromised judiciary denied the people justices through Prof. Steve ugbah for your non-complacency, your stamina against these evil forces and divisionary politics is greatly applauded. Father, May you put the best forward, men and women of competence and integrity, who can stand up to injustice to challenge, question and say no when necessary. In spirit of humility and loyalty I remain humble Mozino Orngu Mozin
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:12:09 +0000

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