SHAME Shame, shame . We are still wasting time with articles on - TopicsExpress


SHAME Shame, shame . We are still wasting time with articles on custody of Berlusconi social services, on the request of the head of the Santanché and his friends hawks, on the marriage of the actresses . Then, the television will weaken the emotions , the politicians promise , the singers will sing on Saturday night shall be eaten on the premises. The dead of Lampedusa sink once again in their graves and in the sea , and we will stand to be mocked by those who should take serious and determined. The Bossi-Fini law , the result of so superior minds of men impostisi national attention and fortunately so outdated and so forgotten them , granted to the survivors of last surprise as the notice of investigation , just as the coffins offend our civic life and the islanders , who had been promised between the solutions of their problems buying a new house by the former President of the Council . I once again put forward the commissioning navigation of one or more hospital ships that are able to assist , identify , treat and to rescue those who are on the boats of the slave traders , rushing after it has been put on alert by frigates of the Italian Navy . The United States has made in recent days acts of force (actually it comes to police actions justified by force majeure ) in Libyan territory , to capture the masterminds of the terrorist attacks on embassies in Africa. Italy has every right , if not the duty, to intervene with preventive policing activities on the coasts of any of the Mediterranean , to block the departure of the boats , to flush out the trafficking of human cargo , to blow up the landing and harbors criminals , arrest and transfer to our country all those who a few meters away from our shores are ready to throw in the water with the strength of men, women and children , making them swallow the waves. E useless gooders or do anything else to rely on bilateral treaties. It true that often the treaties work , but it is also true that often do not work or are not made to work , as he thought Gaddafi when he even thought of increasing landings to embarrass the southern coasts of Italy and Europe Christian . It would have been useless to pretend until a few days ago that Malta , where he lives a numerous and influential clergy , this was part of Christian Europe , otherwise the inhabitants baptized and faithful to the Sunday precept , would have rebelled en masse to ask your Government welcome for those who run the risk of dying , not the rejection of boats full of hungry, thirsty and dying. And if the states of the Arab Spring are not able to control their own coastline, then it means that the States concerned , in the first place and Italy , have a duty to intervene , so be hindered new massacres that are upsetting our public opinion . Do not just talk , do not just hide behind European solidarity. It time for Italy to assume their responsibility in the first person . Carmelo Currò
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 11:58:18 +0000

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