[SIERRA LEONE] MY PERSONAL NOTE: A DISREPUTABLE SUBTERFUGE AROUND THE PRESIDENT WE ARE A NATION THAT CONTINUES TO INSULT GROSSLY OUR PRESIDENT ON MULTI MEDIA AND OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PLATFORMS ON A DAILY BASIS TO WORLD WIDE AUDIENCES THAN ANY OTHER AFRICAN COUNTRY TODAY. THIS BEHAVIOR WITH IMPUNITY CONTINUES TO CONTAMINATE THE INTEGRITY OF OUR SOVEREIGNTY AND DIGNITY AS A NATION. WE ARE OVERDOING THIS FOR WHAT REASONS, ONLY GOD AND OURSELVES KNOWS WHY...! THIS ACTION IS TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIABLE AND UNACCEPTABLE IN THE EYES, MINDS AND HEARTS OF ANY GOOD, PATRIOTIC AND PEACE LOVING CITIZEN. If there is a personal, political or national score to settle with the President or his governance style, does it warrant the degree of unpalatable insults to himself and family to send a message..? We can criticizes constructively and rationally sticking to the point without resorting to abuse especially from individuals whose fathers are even age mate with the President. PRESIDENT KOROMA NOW IS THE FATHER OF THE NATION IRRESPECTIVE OF OUR DIFFERENT OPINIONS AND RESERVATIONS. He deserves that respect for the sake of the flag, if we so recognize the obligation and allegiances we all owe as Sierra Leoneans to the country we derive our birth and infant nurturing. For good, better or for worst our pledge and allegiance must be the same and apolitical......! HOW WOULD ANYONE OF US FEEL IF OUR FATHER OR MOTHER IS CALLED ALL SORTS OF NAMES, OR INSULTED IN VULGAR MANNER DAILY AS IT IS BEEN DONE TO THE PRESIDENT OF A NATION OF 6 MILLION PEOPLE....? THIS KIND OF BEHAVIOR IS RESERVED FOR STREET BOYS, RARAYMAN OR SURROGATE CHILDREN [YES]. Is this where we have decide to take the country into the gutters, for the rest of our time here on earth continuing in the same manner, attitudes and behaviors to insult any sitting President which is reflecting on the general estimation and character of the people and country..? Does this signifies that after President Koroma, we will continue to do the same to the next and the next and the next PRESIDENT like how we started since Independence 1961 living in the past. This is unacceptable and unforgivable to those who have chosen such path that will only lead to self destruction. We are invoking more curses than Gods blessings inviting his wrath on our personal and nations activities, yet we refuse to learn......!!! WHAT IS REALLY WRONG WITH US; WHO AND WHAT IS THE REAL PROBLEM WITH SIERRA LEONEANS THAT NOBODY TO DATE WANTS TO DEAL WITH, BUT ONLY CHOOSING TO PLAY THE BLAME GAME ON POLITICS, PARTISANISM AND TRIBALISM AS A TOOL FOR SETTLING OLD SCORES OR POLITICAL GRIEVANCES TO THE DETRIMENT OF THE PEOPLE. WHY SHOULD THE WHOLE NATION CONTINUE TO SUFFER FOR THE SINS AND EVIL OF OTHERS? Do we see it, as fit and proper to insult the head of state at random on every matter in the country for problems which are equally from our very own makings we must all take full responsibilities...? We have persecuted and lied on innocent people who have been slaughtered, executed for no just reason, yet we speak nothing about it; we also pull others down just because we envy and jealous their progress; we have also bare falsehood because we wanted favors and when it was not granted, we started a campaign of blackmailing and hate speeches which is detrimental to the integrity of the country. WHEN WE ABUSE A PRESIDENT, WE HAVE ABUSE THE NATION AND COUNTRY. THAT IS THE WORST SINS A NATION CAN COMMIT IN THE EYES OF GOD..! This means Governor Clarkson was right in his prayers which is hunting us to date...[GO AN READ IT ALL OVER AGAIN FOR YOUR PERUSAL] ARE WE LIVING IN A COUNTRY OR IN A JUNGLE? WHY SHOULD POLITICAL DIFFERENCES REDUCE INDIVIDUAL MENTALITIES TO SUCH A LEVEL OF DIMINISH RESPONSIBILITY IS REALLY A CAUSE FOR CONCERN AS IT GROWS AND BITE DEEPER DAILY INTO THE PSYCHIC AND FABRIC OF THE NATION....! Nobody sees any good anymore in anything beautiful in the country. Perhaps it is time for the President to reflect seriously on his own surroundings and all kinds of fair-weather friends around him; because in the final analysis, Proverb may become relevant: people closest to you are the ones who can harm you....and it is the one who eats with you who can chew your meat”. I fervently pray, that the President gives premium to the many words of caution as the word of a man is the word of God; There are all kinds of people who have no commitment to his political projects and agendas for the nation, but only for self aggrandizement, emoluments and personal ambitions which are counter productive to the vision for the greater objectivity of the people. In politics, friendship; empty friendship is sometimes the most dangerous thing around leaders…what you the President is doing in STATE HOUSE AS HEAD OF STATE is not about friendship; it is not even about blood relations, but as a national service to the nation. He is kind and good hearten but others may see this as a weakness and are exploiting his gestures and humanism leaving him vulnerable. MY BELOVED PRESIDENT YOU HAVE THE CHOICE; TO EITHER ACT TO PROTECT YOUR LEGACY FOR HISTORY TO ABSOLVED YOU GENEROUSLY AND FAVORABLY OR REGRET FOR NOT TAKING THE RIGHT DECISIONS WHEN YOU COULD HAVE WITH ALL THE POWERS TO DO SO ALLOWING EVIL MEN AND WOMEN TO PREVAIL. STOP BEEN GUIDED BY SENTIMENTS RATHER DEAL WITH THE REALITIES AROUND YOU......! SIERRA LEONEANS: nor curse the ruler of thy people whether civil or ecclesiastic; the last mentioned Jewish writer intend of the king, who is the supreme ruler in things civil, and ought to be honoured and loved, served and obeyed, and not hated and cursed, no, not secretly, not in the bedchamber, nor in the thought of the heart, since not only the thing is criminal but dangerous; it is much if it is not discovered, and then ruin follows upon it, Ecclesiastes 10:20. May God be our guide, give us the wisdom and courage to know right from wrong, and evil from good in peace, love and unity we can all take the people into the land of prosperity MAY GOD RENEW AND BLESS SIERRA LEONE.....!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 14:02:41 +0000

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