SINCE MOSHE NAHMAN OPENED HIS DOOR TO ME ONLY FOR A SHORT TIME, AND WHEN I SHARED WITH HIM MESSIAH FROM THE JEWISH WRITING. HE DELETED ME, IT MUST HAVE BEEN EXPLOSIVE TO HIM, SO I AM ABOUT TO EXPOSE THOSE EXPLOSIVE TRUTH IN MY PAGE! SON OF JOSEPH – SON OF DAVID Said Rabh: They found another passage and lectured about it, namely [Zech., xii. 12]: And the land will mourn, every family apart by itself, the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart. And they said: Is this not an a fortiori conclusion? At the time of mourning, when the passions are powerless, it is said the women and the men should be separate; so much the more in the Temple, where they were occupied in rejoicing, and the passions can have power over them. The rabbis taught: Messiah BEN DAVID, who (as we hope) will appear in the near future, the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him: Ask something of me and I will give it to thee, as it is written [Ps. ii. 7-8]: I will announce the decree . . . Ask it of me, and I will give, etc. But as the Messiah BEN DAVID will have seen that the Messiah BEN JOSEPH who preceded him was killed, he will say before the Lord: Lord of the Universe, I will ask nothing of Thee but life. And the Lord will answer: This was prophesied already for thee by thy father David [Ps. xxi. 5]: Life hath he asked of thee, thou gavest it to him. Sukkah 52 Raphael Patai, a Jewish Bible scholar who does not believe in Yeshua, sheds considerable light on the history of this rabbinical legend about the Messiah, in his book, The Messiah Texts. Patai writes: “Scholars have repeatedly speculated about the origin of the Messiah BEN Joseph legend and the curious fact that the Messiah figure has thus been split in two. It would seem that in the early legend, the death of the Messiah was envisaged, perhaps as a development of the SUFFERING SERVANT motif. A prophecy of Daniel, written about 164 B.C.E.,[18] is the earliest source speaking of the DEATH of a Mashiah (‘Anointed’) sixty-two (prophetic) weeks...after the return and the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Dan. 9:24-26...)....When the death of the Messiah became an established tenet in Talmudic times, this was felt to be irreconcilable with the belief in the Messiah as the Redeemer who would usher in the blissful millennium of the Messianic age. The dilemma was solved by splitting the person of the Messiah in two: One of them, called Messiah BEN JOSEPH...would fall victim....The other, Messiah BEN DAVID, will come after him...and will lead Israel to the ultimate victory, the triumph, and the Messianic era of bliss. This splitting of the Messiah in two persons, which took place in the Talmudic period, achieved another purpose besides resolving the dilemma of the slain Messiah. According to an old tradition, the Messiah was perfectly prefigured in Moses. But Moses died before he could lead the Children of Israel into the Land of Promise. Consequently, for the parallel to be complete, the Messiah, too had to die before accomplishing his great task of ultimate Redemption. Since, however, the Messiah would not be the True Redeemer of God if he did not fulfill that ultimate task, the only solution was to let one Messiah, like Moses, die, and then assign the completion of the work of Redemption to a second Messiah....” Raphael Patai, The Messiah Texts, pp. 166-167. What was the mourning for? R. Dosa and the rabbis differ: One holds that it was for the Messiah the SON OF JOSEPH, who was killed; 1 and one holds that it was for the evil angel, who was killed. 2 It would be right according to one who holds that it was for the Messiah the son of Joseph, because he explains as supporting him the passage [Zech. xii. 10]: And they will look up toward me (for every one) whom they have thrust through, and they will lament for him, as one lamenteth for an only son, and weep bitterly for him, as one weepeth bitterly for the firstborn Mosheh Alshekh (16th century) interpretation of Zkharyah 12:10: I will do yet a third thing, and that is, that “they shall look unto me,” for they shall lift up their eyes unto me in perfect repentance, when they see him whom they pierced, that is Messiah, the SON OF YOSEPH; for our rabbis, of blessed memory, have said that he will take upon himself all the guilt of Israel, and shall then be slain…to make an atonement, in such a manner, that it shall be accounted as if Israel had pierced him, for on account of their sin he has died; and therefore, in order that it may be reckoned to them as a perfect atonement, they will repent, and look to the blessed One, saying that there is none beside Him to forgive those that mourn on account of him who died for their sin: this is the meaning of “They shall look upon me.” Rashi commenting on Zech xii. 10 - - The words, “The land shall mourn,” are found in the prophecy of Zkharyah, and he prophesies of the future, that they shall mourn on account of Messiah, the SON OF YOSEPH, who shall be slain…
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:24:17 +0000

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