===SISTER MARY=== Episode 21 ===SISTER MARY=== Episode 21 I - TopicsExpress


===SISTER MARY=== Episode 21 ===SISTER MARY=== Episode 21 I couldn’t talk. I simply stared at him like a zombie. So many things were going through my mind that moment. I just was overwhelmed by the situation i found myself. “I hope you are ready to tell me the whole truth. Tell me about the girl you drugged to remove her pregnancy. Start from the very begining. You have an interesting case” The officer demanded with a calm smile on his face. I stared at him murderously. “how could he be having so much fun over my dilemna?” i wondered miserably. I felt like smacking him but could do nothing than to swallow my anger speechlessly. Surprisingly my silence quickly provoked him. “I don’t have all day boy. We already have enough evidence to nail you. I only wanted to hear your side of the story but it seems my good intention is being rebuffed. Your silence is a big insult to my uniform” he suddenly barked, hitting his table with his right fist. I panicked and drew back. I just couldn’t take control of the situation. “you better start preparing yourself. I’ll personally make sure you hang. Vagabond. You will be heading to court in few hours” he threatened vehemently. My mind flew. “oga it hasn’t come to that. I’m just confused over everything. I’m yet to get myself nor understand my crime. Your boys hijacked me from my home yesterday evening without any explanation” i begged quietly, but the officer wasn’t moved. All he did was to ask the corporal to take me away, but just that moment a female sergent brought Mary and another young Lady into the room, giving me another chance to plead my case. This time to Mary. “Mary! Dear me, what are you doing to me?” I cried passionately. She was my only hope. Yea she was behind my detention but I also was intelligent enough to know she had the power to stop the police from taking the case further. There wasn’t any need lying nor pretending anymore. All i wanted was just to be set free. Only a night at the police cell was an experience more deadly than hell. I couldn’t imgaine surviving another night in there. “Mary i Beg of you, let’s settle this at home” I cried hopefully. But Unfortunately the look on her face was like that of a vampire, keen on sucking blood. To be continued.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 14:09:13 +0000

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