SO DISGUSTED! by the sheer arrogance and condescending attitude of - TopicsExpress


SO DISGUSTED! by the sheer arrogance and condescending attitude of the FC1 student coordinator at ETA school over a minute and a half. I understand putting a mark in my record and all, but to act like he is somehow a god descended from the heavens and OWNS the schoolhouse by referring to everything in the possessive case, and as if somehow I tried to kill someone just for arriving barely 2 minutes late due to cleaning up after my roommates is simply UNBECOMING of a any person in any armed service, be them a non-commissioned officer or an actual officer. Even with my excellent to near perfect previous academic record, I am apparently now somehow the scum of the earth for doing the right thing at my barracks. This guy should focus on the people that go out partying, drink underage, and screw around and fail tests. The kind of reasoning I encountered today is probably a major factor in the reasons for so many students not caring about professionalism.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 06:20:59 +0000

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