SOUL RISES LIKE A BALLOON UP FROM THE EYE CENTER In the waking or conscious state the soul is at the eye focus. In the dream state it is lower down, and in deep sleep it is in the heart and navel centers. As it goes away from the brain and descends down into Pind (physical universe) it grows duller. At the throat center it is in a semi-conscious state, and imperfect memory only remains. Below the eyes there is not Sound. Sound will be heard only above the eyes and in a state of consciousness, when the attention is in the Sound Current. Soul is like a balloon, which has an upward tendency always. Like an inflated balloon, it is held here by chains of mind and matter and the paraphernalia of senses and objects. Sometimes is so happens in sleep that the mind grows dormant or is in a state of peace. At such times the soul, being free, begins to rise up alone. It sees the light and scenes in the upper planes but does not catch the Sound . Sound can be caught fully only in the super-conscious state inside and above the eye focus, but the moment the attention is off the Sound Current and is directed towards the scenery of the astral plane, it is in a derailed condition Thoughts of the external world keep the attention out, and thoughts of the internal world keep it in. (Sawan Singh. Spiritual Gems. RSSB 1958/1980. Letter 194. Pp. 327-328) I would just like to comment about our need to stay focused on the Sound Current when we emerge into the Astral Plane. This is because the sights, sounds and attractions of this region are so much brighter, more attractive and intoxicating, it is tempting to let go of the Sound and remain there. For compared to earth, this feels like heaven. Indeed, if you dont know better, you will think, This must be heaven! Last station on the line. This is why so many inner travelers - including yogis, mystics and psychics - stop here and believe it is their final destination. But this is just an illusion designed to keep those who make it this far enamored with Astral reality and remain here for the duration of their present incarnation on earth (its not unlike Calypso using her powers to keep Odysseus on Ogygia and prevent, or at least delay him from returning home). And you know what happens then? They take a break after this life here, and then come right back to earth and do it again - and again - and again - like a hamster on a wheel, we keep running in place incarnation after incarnation after incarnation. Only by catching hold of and maintaining your focus on the Sound Current, and keeping that focus until you make it to your real destination - the pure positive regions of Soul and God, also known as true Kingdom of Heaven, Sat Lok and Sach Khand. One other thought. I was watching the TV show Cosmos last night and the host - Neil deGrasse Tyson - was discussing the evolution of the eye. And one of the things they noted was that eyes first developed in aquatic creatures (i.e., fish, etc.), and they had a problem seeing things above the surface of the water because the sunlight hitting it refracted and bent as it penetrated the surface. So their eyes had to be able to interpret what they were seeing. In the same token, here on earth there are all sorts of filters affecting our ability to see the Inner Light and hear the Inner Sound. To us it appears refracted into a rainbow of colors and spectrum of sounds. But in reality there is just one Current of Sound and Light that proceeds from the Heart of All Creation and returns to IT. And that is Shabda. We need to remember this, and always focus on the singular Current of Eternal Love, let go to IT, trust IT and allow IT to guide us back Home. I hope you are having a beautiful day In the LightSong of Eternal Love, Michael - Michaels Blog
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 03:39:37 +0000

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