SOW CACTUS, POISON, BURN, KILL, DESTROY THE NATION BEFORE RETREATING INTO OBLIVION !! AFTER ALL, NATION IS ON SALE !! This is the strategy that this moribund Government is following before being thrown out of office at the next electoral hustings. When King Darius The Great invaded Scythia some 2500 years ago, defeated and retreating Scythians poisoned all water-holes and disrupted food supplies to the victorious army. Large number of Darius soldiers died due to hunger, thirst and food-poisoning. Finally, Darius The Victorious became Darius The Defeated !! Several EVER COMATOSE UPA regimes recent actions shall leave behind a heap of miseries and the incoming Government shall be entirely engaged in bushwhacking their way to the order of governance for their entire span of first term of five years or less, whosoever is sworn in. Latest action of constituting Seventh Pay Commission is a brazen example of Scorch Earth Strategy that the ITALIAN-RAJMATA has undertaken through her Puppet-Prime Minister who happens to be not only Oxford University educated but also a Tripos-Holder !! By the way, as a measure of digression, are those campuses dedicated to the task of manufacturing anti- Hindu / anti-India traitors ?? Then the hike in subsidised LPG cylinders from 9 to 12 at the instance of His Excellency, Brother- Benedict, Crown-Prince Rahul Gandhi , is yet another nail in the coffin of the national economy. The culture of loot & plunder has been generously extended to Government employees too, by raising DA to 100% of the basic pay. Only July 2013 had witnessed that being raised by 90%. If it is not criminal profligacy then what it is ? Then the Finance Minister BLACK & WHITE Chidambaram endorses RBI Governor Raghuram Rajans view of fixing inflation target through Parliamentary resolutions for every financial year !! Rubbing salt into economic ruins. Hike in MNREGA wages by Rs. 175 per day is icing of the UPAs Scorch Earth Strategy. Lakhs of crores of MNREGA funds have already been siphoned off into private coffers of Congress (I)TALIAN members and we are condemned to witness in despair, several more lakhs of crores of funds being pocketed by them, plundering national wealth like there shall never be tomorrow. Food Security Bill has come in quite handy as a comfortable instrumentality to loot notes and votes, both. Then comes FDI in retail, with 100% in telecom sector and 26% in defence production. You do not have to be an Albert Einstein to ferret out hidden, surreptitious motives of these anti-national rulers behind all these moves. These Dacoits & Traitors of Congress (I)TALIAN have offered the nation ON SALE. Damn unity, integrity and sovereignty of the nation. Revised Land Acquisition Act is so pernicious that the incoming Government may not be able to undertake even a single infrastructure project owing to huge compensation liability involved. Not only the process of acquisition be nauseatingly long-drawn acrimonious battle between Government and farmers but also land prices so exhorbitant that hardly any project would be rendered viable leave alone being profitable. The Act has already shown its sinister effect on the UPA Government themselves as they are unable to complete even the ongoing Delhi- Jaipur Highway Project. Same is the fate of rural roads under PMGSY, now a nightmare for rural poors. With this Act in force, private-sector projects would love to invest in some other planet instead of Mother Earth !! Some enlightened ones have even started questioning nationalism and integrity of te Government as well as the party governing it from 10, Janpath, New Delhi. Brazen plunder that this regime orchestrated begining with Commonwealth Games, multiple defence scams, 2G spectrum scam, foodgrain scam, water scam, coal scam etc. compels you to contemplate whom in reality, this damned Government are serving . What happens to the ITALIAN HIGH-COMMAND when these daylight robberies are reported with fanfare ? WHAT DOES THE DEAF & DUMB Prime Minister DO WHEN HE SITS IN THE CHAIR OF PM IN SOUTH BLOCK OFFICE ? Congress (I)TALIAN Government are determined to ensure, economy is so ruined that succeeding Government are unable to survive either. Greater the failure of succeeding Government, better would appear the outgoing Government in terms of comparative performance. Succeeding Government shall inherit empty coffers, huge indebtedness, hollow promises to deliver and an all-round fiscal disaster. Then in subsequent elections, they shall shout from roof-tops, BJP / NDA Government did nothing for the nation ! Classical Scorch Earth Strategy, employed by retreating armies on march and venomously anti- national leaders, says in electoral terms, If we are not re-elected, whosoever does, shall rue the pyrrhic victory . Nation must wake up and assert before it is too late.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 09:42:24 +0000

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