STATE HOUSE PRESS RELEASE PRESIDENT JONATHAN ORDERS REMOVAL OF OFFENSIVE BRING BACK JONATHAN SIGNS President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has directed that the #Bring Back Jonathan 2015 signs and banners around Abuja which he and many Nigerians find offensive and repugnant be brought down immediately. President Jonathan wholly shares the widely expressed view that the signs which were put up without his knowledge or approval are a highly insensitive parody of the #Bring Back Our Girls hash tag. While President Jonathan appreciates the enthusiastic show of support for his administration by a broad range of stakeholders, he condemns the #Bring Back Jonathan 2015 signs which appear to make light of the very serious national and global concern for the abducted Chibok girls. The President assures all Nigerians and the international community that his administration remains fully engaged with efforts to rescue the abducted girls and that he will not knowingly promote any actions that will fly in the face of the seriousness of their plight and the anguish of their families. Reuben Abati Special Adviser to the President (Media & Publicity) September 10, 2014. My take; Betterr late than never. The damage has already been done though. I wonder what those in the presidency really do there. Gejs worst enemies aree those sycophants around him. They are all after their own interest
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:37:10 +0000

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