STAY IN YOUR LANE! 1 Samuel 13:10 Just as Saul was finishing - TopicsExpress


STAY IN YOUR LANE! 1 Samuel 13:10 Just as Saul was finishing with the burnt offering, Samuel arrived. Saul went out to meet and welcome him, 11 but Samuel said, “What is this you have done?” Saul replied, “I saw my men scattering from me, and you didn’t arrive when you said you would, and the Philistines are at Micmash ready for battle. We are all privy to Sauls demise. It begins right here. It wasnt a moral failure. It wasnt that he worshipped a false God. It wasnt that he cursed God. Simply stated, Sauls biggest sin is that he deviated from his assignment, left his lane and attempted to do something he was not anointed to do. Wait!!!! You may ask, whats wrong with this? Saul was King. Yes, he was king but not high priest. Saul was anointed as King, not as the high priest. His job was to lead, to fight, to inspire, to judge but not to enter the holy of holies, not to mediate, not to wear the robe with the bells, not to sprinkle the blood. God made sure that no king could ever be priest for all Priests had to come from the tribe of Levi (Ex. 28:1). Today, many of us stand guilty as charged in replicating Sauls sin. We, like Saul, become impatient for the same three reasons Saul outlined in the 11th verse: 1. The people around will abandon me: (afraid of being a lone) 2. You did not come when you promised ( afraid of running out of time) 3. The enemy was threatening (afraid of what our enemies will do) These same three reasons serve as the impetus behind so many falling short of Gods glory, never experiencing a blessed life, and never embracing a thriving narrative. The moment you care more the presence of people then the presence of God, The moment you get ahead of Gods timing, The moment you stand driven by the enemys threats rather than Gods promises, Then failure lurks right around the corner. STAY IN YOUR LANE!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 17:51:26 +0000

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