STEAM ENGINE IS THE SOLUTION BY. Kevin Simbarashe - TopicsExpress


STEAM ENGINE IS THE SOLUTION BY. Kevin Simbarashe Mkombo Today at 4:01pm Marslow was no fool to elaborate how for a workforce to engage, it needs to be motivated. The common Zimbabwean is demotivated and stuck in terms of where exactly to devote their time and energy for both individual and national development. Our first focal point will be on food. Kana chikafu chikati tekeshere, vanhu vakaguta, vanotanga kufunga zvaimwe kusara kwezvavanoona, people become motivated on satisfied tummies. This will take us to our 1st issue in this article, which is WATER. Our country is in desperate need of a quenching supply of water throughout the provinces. But the problem is we still are bound by a colonial way of thinking. I say this because had we been immediately faced with a task to pump water, numerous first opinions would largely rally around petroleum based engines. We do not drill for oil here in this boundary, but we have coal, and coal works well with the 2nd issue in this article, which is the STEAM ENGINE. For any industry to boom and become sufficiently successful, it has to go through a revolution, and sadly the people who went through the WATER MILL & STEAM AGES in this boundary are the British who used to colonise us. I am positive no successful nation still declares its agricultural season with regard to natural rainfall, and this is what we still do. We need to make use of stem power. If we follow closely on American industrial revolution, we will discover that steam power played a fundamental role in development and sustainability, yet we still are bound to believe oil is our main solution. Modern and less cumbersome as it may be, it is not coming from within the boundary, and whilst we are trying to harness cash and increase credit, we are busy unnecessarily undoing the knit by importing fuel with substitute readily available. After all we cannot be said to cost our own resource really., especially when it is going to serve us. Furthermore, the Steam Engine not only served to pump water with pressures greater than any internal combustion engine to date, but they further adapted it to Textile Milling, Grain Processing, Blacksmithing and Tool Manufactuer etcetera. We all know of the steam locos we have which are deteriorating from isolation and a weird sense of being looked down upon. If you asked me, hey day steam locos were better than the current petroleum transport we have today, even better with modifications in speeds reaching over 125 miles per hour. Lastly steam power was able to be adapted to our current universal energy source, Electric Power, evudanced by our thermal power stations. Clearly steam power is a solution, yet we keep ignoring it. In all, this article seeks to elevate the status of the Steam Engine and subsequent applications for a sustainable development of the people in this boundary. The more the water, the better the odds of a stable industrial growth and sustanability! Forward with building Zimbabwe, each one to his brick comrades!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:22:41 +0000

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