STRUGGLE FOR FAITH THE faith problem is becoming very acute. - TopicsExpress


STRUGGLE FOR FAITH THE faith problem is becoming very acute. Waves of unbelief are sweeping over the church. Many of our leaders have been swept into the whirlpool of modernism. Earnest thinkers are seeking for a solution. The greater percentage of the devotional writings of the past century are from the pens of the mystics. Today there is a demand for a definite, well defined path that the bewildered minds of this troubled age may find their way into the realm of faith. A new investigation of the Pauline Revelation is demanded. The question is being asked by many, Have we had the whole truth? Did the pioneers like Luther, Calvin, Arminius and the Wesleys have the whole truth? We reverence these men for what they have given us. There has been far too little growth in the knowledge of the Pauline Revelation since their day. Here is a new approach to the heart of Redemption. It is an answer to the question, What happened from the cross to the seating of the Master on the right hand of the Majesty on High? We believe that the age of sense knowledge doctrines is past. Christianity is not in its dotage, it is more virile than any of the thinkers have recognized. It has within it the solution for the human problem. Christianity has the vitality and ability of God. The Pauline Revelation has the solution for the faith problem. When I discovered that the apostles who were in close companionship with the Master knew nothing of the real mission of the man, I was staggered. They did not know what happened at the Incarnation, the fact is they did not know that it was an Incarnation. If Mary did tell them what had taken place, they received it as an idle tale of a fond mother. When they stood about the cross and watched the death throes of the Man who was hanging there, they did not know that He was Jehovah, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Israel was crucifying the blood covenant Partner of Abraham and they were ignorant of it. When Jesus commanded them to tarry until the spirit came, they did not understand what was going to happen. They had followed the wonder Man ; yet who He was, why He came, what He was to suffer, and what they were to gain by His suffering, was all unknown to them. They did not know what happened on the cross, or during the three days and nights before His resurrection, but we must know of these three days, for this is the thing that will build faith in us. The mystery is hidden in these three days. I wonder if we dare face the facts as they actually are. If you could eliminate all you know about Jesus from the Pauline epistles and go back with me now and stand before the cross with John, Peter, Mary and the others; if we could be as ignorant of who He was, and the reason for His death on the cross as they were, I think we might appreciate the unveiling that the Father gave to Paul. The disciples did not know the Man as a Substitute. They could not comprehend what was going to take place in the upper room. What Happened From The Cross To The Throne Kindly share this post
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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